
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Making Progress

Tonight Mum made progress in getting the little kitties ready to go to there new homes. They have all been tucked into there travel containers. All travel papers have been finished. Now mum just needs to get them off on their journeys. We must have some smart kitties, three of them are going to Texas, one to Florida, one to Mass-choo-sits and one all the way to Great Britain. We will e-mail everyone when the kitties actually leave on their trips.

Plus a quick picture of PFE, he looks good with his flowers.


  1. Momma says to tell your Mum that her impatiens look mighty fine......her's arent doing too good. She has doubles and New Guinea. She says the ones like your mom have bloom the best and she will go back to them next year.

    See you at the lympics, Smiley Boy!

    Patches Lady

  2. PFE is looking good. I've getting excited that Mango is coming home!

  3. We're looking forward to our new housemate!
    Tilly and Toby

  4. PFE is sooooooooo cute! I WANT!!!!!

    ~5-Cat Style

  5. PFE is really cute - our mom needs somebody to grow her basil . . . hmmmm, maybe we can find one in our neighborhood - is he from the Wall Greens Shelter too?

  6. Aw, PFE is so cute!!! Our busy lizzies aren't doing as well as yours, they are getting crowded out by more vigorous plants around them.

  7. Mom says "impatients" and a cat sorta go together. Those are furry purty. Mom hasn't had time to do much in the garden this year.


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