
Saturday, August 12, 2006


Mum wented to a special place yesterday, a museum in a field, to see stuff about kings, queens and goddesses of Egypt. One of the special goddesses is Bastet. Mum says a tag says that Bastet was the goddess of joy and protector of women. Hmmm. Guess I have to protect mum but she broughted home a little bastet that was made in Egypt. Never hurts to have backup.
But there was also an evil kittie goddess too called Sekhmet or at least she was considered to be a goddess of vengence. They had a big stone carving of Sekhmet that she could take a picture of. This wasn't part of the really special exhibit.
Plus while she was there she saw a whole lot of stuff about a guy call Tut, King Tut.


  1. That sounds cool, Derby . My mum is reading up on Ancient Egypt as she will be doing a big history topic about it with her new class in September and she hasn't done it for about 10 years. There's a place in the UK called Dorchester that has a really cool exhibit where they have a replica of the inside of Tut's tomb, that is a lot of fun to walk around. She will be taking the little monsters to the British Museum to see the Egyptian galleries.

  2. We have a statue of the goddess Bastest because she protects kitties. Mom gotted her at an Egyptian exhibit at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. We also have one of Sekmet, she protect children even though she has a tough side. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

  3. Tag! You're it! Come to: to find out what to do next!

  4. I like the little kitty statue but don't like that the Egyptians thought she was mean. I like Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko's version best. Besides, what humans call vengence, Cats would call "letting the humans know who's boss."

  5. Oh, I likes that little statue!


  6. Ancient Egypt is furry interesting Mom says. She has a small egyptian cat that she gotted from the Metropolitan Museum in NYC at their Egyptian exhibit way before we were borned.

  7. Very cool. Beanmom went to the same exhibit when it was in Houston and she gotted a small Bastet too!

  8. Has you mom seen the Amelia Peabody series of mystery books by Elizabeth Peters? She is an archaeologist and has a cat named Bastet. If she hasn't read any start at the beginning of the series and work your way through. I think the first books were the best! sss's mom

  9. We have a small statue of Bastet. My grandma got in Las Vegas when she and my grandpa stayed at the Luxor. Since Bastet is the protector of all cats, she figured we had to have one.

  10. Cool that some of the other beans have seen this too. It will be in Philadephia and then London next year. Mum says it was furry buzy and crowded. The Bastet is kind it is the Sekhmet that is the nasty one.

    Mum will check out the books. She checked the library on line and they do have lots of this pursons books. Not that she lacks things to read, just the time to read..


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