
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Just Watching

Just keeping track of mum as she made her breakfast. Now, don't forgets me. I think we are going to have a nice quiet weekend. Oh, the new batch of crunchies are in my bowl. Time for breakfast. Bye.


  1. I think every time one of us gets on top of the refrigerator like that, we hear the following:

    What do you think you're doing up there? Are you CRAZY? You're not allowed up there! Get down right now!

    You're so lucky, Derby!

  2. You look so sly, Derbs. I like to hang out on top of the foods box too.

  3. That looks like a nice place to hang out. If our Mom would efur clean off our frigermator we could prolly sit up there too.

  4. Wow, are you sitting on the cold box!!! I have nefur gotten the nurf up to go that high and Momma would yell her head off, anyway. Sides, there are too many fancy plates and stuff up there.


  5. You's brave to get up there, Derby. I's skeered I'd knock it ofur like I knocked ofur the ironin board thingy last night and then I'd get in trubble for sure.

  6. our mommy must be like beau beau and angie's mom- there's too much stuff up on our cold box. 'asides, when mommy is cooking, i likes to stand on my back legs and hold onto the oven door handle wif my front paws and yowl at her. - Miles

  7. You're so lucky to be able to get to the top of the fridge. You look furry hamsome up there too!

  8. Yes, keep an eye on you mom. You never know what the beans might get up to.

  9. Hey, Derby, I gots to try that! I nefur been up on the cold box! Didja haf to go on the counter to get there? Well, I'll do that when Mom's not watchin.

  10. We luv to luk out on top of the refreegurater to watch our lady too. Its hi up and we get a view of EVARYTHING!

  11. You look very cosmic sitting up there Derby. Good place to keep an eye on things.

  12. Have a relaxing weekend Derby - we're gonna do some more bird watching. Say hi to Virginger for us too!
    Kimo & Sabi

  13. That does look like a nice perch. Too bad there really isn't a way to get on top of the fridge. Then again, even if we could, there's too much junk on top of it for us to sit.

  14. we all take turns at our version of Max's supreme commander kitty tower (the fridge box and the pantry cupboard next to it) so we can keep an eye on our beans. it seems you have an excellent perch. and that sofa looks comfy, too!

    nelson lapurr

  15. We all sit on the fridge except for Eddie, because these days it's a little too high for him to reach. We watch the birdies from there because it's right next to the kitchen window.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.