
Monday, August 21, 2006


Something came and raided mum's sunflower seeds overnight. Mum thinks it was probably Mr. Raccoon.

So mum hadded to clean up the seed that had spilled. But Mr. Raccoon didn't eat that much. More than enough left for the birdies.


  1. Those racoons are messy fellows! And nosy too. About the box: it is the secret paws box you sent but I just don't wanna share it. Shaggy has trouble getting into it, but Scooby hops in now & then. I really want it for my own!!! -Scout

  2. Those pesky ole racoons. Mischief makers indeed!

    Welllll at least they left some for the birds!

    Purrs - Your friends over @ the Kitty Cat's Corner

  3. We don't get racoons here. Are they scary?

  4. Just checking in with one of our best buddies! Hope you are well. Thanks for thinking of us. We have been so busy with adventures this summer. Hope to get back on our blog soon to tell ya all about it.

    Big hug from Italy!
    Opus and Roscoe

  5. we don't has raccoons here eifur. they sound scary.

  6. What a very naughty racoon! We don't have racoons here, or at least I haven't seen any. Just opossums!

  7. Oh how furry exciting that you had a raccoon visiting you. They are messy though.

  8. Momma says those coons are pests! They eat everything and wash their pawsies in Mistries water bowl and then they make a stink all over in her bed, so Momma has to wash it! They tore apart Mistrie's toy too!

  9. I watch the sqwerls tryin to raid the birdfeeders, but they can't get much. They sure are funny to watch as they try! I nefur seed a raccoon, but Bonnie saw one in our yard once, long ago.

  10. How interesting.

    Thanks for sharing that.

  11. why'd your momma clean up the seeds? you coulda had live fev-vers come eat fev-vers...

  12. We's going to get sunflower seeds from the biggie sunflowers in the back yard afore the birdies eat them all now so they have some for when they leave for the winter. Uh, Mom you better hurry up afore a big manimal comes like to Derby's house.

  13. Those raccoons! You know they can't be trusted because they're always wearing those bandit masks. I would definitely teach them a lesson if I were you, Derby! Let them know who's seeds those are!

  14. You tell 'em Zeus! Pesky pest racoons! heehee

    Purrrrrs - Your friends over @ the Kitty Cats Corner

  15. Could you keep your seeds in the garage? That's interesting about Eric & Flynn not knowing what racoons are. Maybe there aren't any living in England!


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