
Friday, October 20, 2006

Ready for Guests

I guess everything is ready for the party. The only thing we need now is the guests. But we are ready. So drop in anytime guys.Mum gotted a HUGE tent to cover our entire house and yard. So we won't get wet if it rains. It is even heated! And the cool thing is that during the day the top and sides are clear, so we can see out and gets sun. But at night the sides get cloudy so you can't see in, but the top is still clear so we can see the stars. Neato.


  1. All we can say is: WOW!

  2. Hi Derby, are we the first ones here?

  3. ::running quickly to the living room:: George, Cecilia, Tipper, Misty, Max. HI! You all popped in at the same time!

  4. Sorry, I was havin' a quick nap. Dont figure to get many naps over the next few days.

    George, come over here to get your special badge. That way everyone will know you are one of the October kitties.

  5. Everyone else, welcome. Make yourselves at home. There are a few snacks out plus water. We are going to have so much fun.

  6. Hi Derby, Happy Purrthday! Hi efurryone else, and Happy Purrthday/Gotcha Day to all the October Kitties!

    This tent is way cool! We can sit in the sun and we don't haves to worry if it rains!

  7. I'm here! Everything looks great Derby! I saw on the Cat Blogosphere that this is a weekend event, your Mum sure is nice.

  8. Hi Smeagol, Strider and Mistery. Welcome.

  9. Hi Rascal, seems the gang is starting to arrive. Just so you know, my dear Princess Mia Bella, is here incognito. Her beans wented on a trip and she teleport over. Plus Opus and Roscoe from Italy, too.

  10. Well, it's really nice about teleporting. Makes life so much more fun.

  11. Hi Rascal and Catzee! We're not really supposed to be here yet 'cause Mom is still at work, but we teleported already anyway! We can stay, but we'll prob'ly have to be purrty quiet 'til she gets home...

  12. Hey Smeagol and Strider! Nice to see you.

  13. Bummer that blogger isn't being nice. Yes, not to worry, we can keep things quiet if you are here early. But mum knows some the the Europe cats want to come and this is there evening time.

    Thanks Catzee for the good wishes. Actually today is my actual purrthday. Mum has been singing at me all morning!

  14. *waves paws*
    Hi Derby!
    we maded it :)

  15. Yay, the Hot(m)BC group is here.

  16. Happy Purrthday Derby *smooch on the cheek*
    Happy Purrthday October kitties :)

  17. Yes, I gets to cellybrate twice a year. On my purrthday and my gotcha day. That means more stuff from mum! Or at least extra treats.

  18. Sanjee, do you have an update on Gracie?

  19. well, I'm not going to kiss you anywhere Derby. I'll let the girls handle that.
    Happy Purrthday though
    ~~ Pepi

  20. Not sure what you do n don't know but yeah I guesses so.
    Gracie maded it thru surgeries ok! That's furry good :)
    But the v-e-t didn't find nothing!
    Which is good an not so good. So v-e-t is gonna do bloodwork again

  21. Hi, we want to wish all the October kitties a happy purrthday/gotcha day. Wow Derby, this is some set up!
    The Kattonic kitties, Zippy, Sadie and Speedy

    Oh, it was a short teleport from Tosa to here! Mom doesn't effun know we're gone (she's still at work-tehe)

  22. We has been purraying really hard for Gracie. That she came thru surgery is good news!

  23. hi Zippy Sadie and Speedy :)
    and Hi to anyone we missed when we came in!

  24. Hi Kattonic kitties. No it is a short teleport from Tosa to the Falls. The Crew is here too from Brookfield. Yeah, mum has gone all out for this. The tent, caterer, extra toys, blankies etc.

    I was just chatting with Sanjee about Gracie. She hadded surgery and it was OK, but I think I saw a comment about a creaky pan? Oh, mum says that was pancreas. She knows medical stuff.

  25. I hasn't seen that yet, Derby. But a creaky pan sounds kind of fierce.

  26. Hi all you hot(m)bc kitties, hi Catzee and Rascal, Smeagol, Strider and Mistery, Gizmo, George, Tipper, Max, Misty, Cecelia and any one we may have missed. Wow, there are a lot of kitties here..,

  27. This is some huge tent, Derby!

  28. Lots of kitties and the party is just starting. Make yourselves at home. It is a sunny day right now. So if you are looking for sunny spots we gots lots. Plus I see lots of birdies at the feeders. Mum wented out this morning and filled up all the feeders.

  29. Pancreas? Oh no, our Gramma Punkin had a prollem wit her pancreas she is furry sick. She's 18 years old and not doin' so well. Mommy says 18 is furry old for a kitty.

  30. Yeah, the tent is so cool. Mum did lots of searching to get the bestest one for the party. We figure to have lots of kitties here, need room so we are not crawling over each other. Nothing makes a party bad than no room to move around. So we can be in the house itself, or the tent.

  31. Greetings to the Kattonic Cats and the HOT(M)BCs! Great party isn't it?

  32. No Bloggie Catzee, but we reed them all wit da momma. She's to bizzy to git us our own, we tink she's jus lazy *snicker*

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  34. Furry smart of your Mommy, Derby :) Please tell her fanks :)

    Hi Rascal!

  35. Hey there! It's Tyler and Jagger!! Happy Purrthday/Gotcha Day to everyone! Derby, tell your Mum she did a great job putting things together!

    I brought the Niptini' everyone grab one and let's toast US!!

  36. Blogger is always nuts? Anything special? Yeah the Kattonic guys live near me in Whiskconsin. They even know where my kitty spa is at the Animal Motel.

  37. Hi Derby! Happy Happy Purrthday to you!

    We had to teleport up without our Human. She's still at work and won't be home until real late so if we waited for her, we'd never get here.

    Glad the tent is heated, it was a bit nippy outside before we came in.

    Can we climb the walls without your mom getting mad at us?

    Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
    (the Feline Oligarchy)

    P.S. Blogger isn't being very nice - we just finally copied the text of our message so if we lost it again, we only had to paste it in ...

  38. Yeah, blogger has been misbehaving quite a bit this afternoon.

  39. We all gots catster pages though. We met some of you guys at Skeezix party. This is a great party too! I can't believe ur momma founded you this great tent. She must be an amazin' bean.

  40. Tyler, Jagger! More of the honoree's are here. Come over and get your special badge to wear for the party. That way everyone knows you are one of the October kitties. That makes 4 of us here so far of 16. I found 16 kitties that can cellybrate with us.

  41. Charlie, another of the October kitties. Welcome to you and Blackie, Alberta and Sky. Yes, you can climb the tent, it is a rental!

  42. Let's get some tunes going. Derby, where's the snack table?

  43. Oh oh, gotta get back home to greet momma when she comes home from workie. But we'll be back later with some nip from mommas "weed patch" Happy purrthday/gotcha day again. See ya'll later ([Speedy, stop eatin, we gotta gets home to greet momma]) sheesh, boy kitties!

  44. Happy Purrthday / Gotcha Day Charlie :)

  45. George, the snack table is over on the north side of the tent. See where the potted palms are? OK. Tunes, the stereo is going, guess we can't hear it over the kitty chatter.

    Bye Speedy, Zippy and Sadie. See you real soon.

  46. BTW: Thanks for reminding my Human about my Gotcha Day! Last year, before we joined the Blogoshpere we had no idea what one was. Now here we are all the way up in Wisconsin celebrating whiile our humans are still working. hee hee!


  47. Hey happy to be of service. We all have to remind our humans to cellybrate, even the little stuff. Mum is purrty good at that, you shouldn't have to have a big occasion to have a good time with furiends. But an occasion can make it more fun.

  48. Before it gets really crowded and noisy in here, let us take this moment to say "Happy, Happy Gotcha Day" to our friend Derby. We're so happy you found a wonderful forever home! And a big thank you to Derby's Mum for letting him have a party. Everyone raise your niptini glasses and toast Derby and his Mum!

    Now, where's Vir-ginger, Derby? We thought she'd be acting as your hostess and Midnight wants to say hi to his littermate.

  49. Thanks Crew. Actually it's my purrthday, my gotcha day is in May. But, whatever. THANKS. Yes, Vir-ginger is here, somewhere. She is so short that it is hard to find her sometimes. Wait, I see her, over on the other side of the tent, where the grape vine is. She is playing in the leaves with Catzee, Pepi and Gree. Midnight, go on over and say hi.

  50. Hi everyone! Wow, the tent looks fantastic. You certainly know how to throw a party, Derby!
    Happy Gotcha Day! Is there a badge for me somewhere, I'm an October kitty too!

    I'm just going to go round the tent saying hi to my friends - I may be a bit quiet for the next hour because my mum's sister just arrived to visit and I have to make sure I socialise with her before I can get back to the party. It's going to be so much fun!

  51. Here!! Here!! A toast to Derby! And his mom!

    (uh, are the, uh, "neccessary boxes" somewhere in here? It was a long teleport. Since we haven't done it before it took us three times as long as it needed to )

    Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  52. Happy Gotcha Day Fat Eric. Or is it your purrthday. Great snacks BTW, Derby.

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  54. It is my Gotcha Day next Wednesday. So we call it my purrthday because we are not sure when the real one is.

  55. Eric, you made it. Yes, your badge is right over here on the table. Let me help you get it on. Just drop back in when you can. That is the good part of teleporing, you can pop back and forth quickly.

  56. The boxes are in the dungeon. Maybe we need to have a tour.

  57. Thanks Derby. The badge is cool. Do I smell tuna round here somewhere?

    I'll be back, I have to go and sort out my mum's sister, she keeps calling me Erica again!

  58. Tuna, turkey, ham, chicken, stinky goodness, crunchies. You want it, mum probably had the catere bring it in. If she keeps call you Erica, you better leave a mark on her. Or better yet, leave a purresent in her handbag. hehehe.

  59. So sorry, Derby. We thought you were born in the spring and adopted in the fall, but it's the other way around. My apologies. We try to keep track of everyone, but it's getting hard. By the way, is PMB expected to be here?

    Oh, there goes Misty off to meet Catzee. She hopes some other kittens will be at the party!

    Since we can only stay today, could I ask when you plan to start the guided tours? I'm especially interested in your penthouse apartment. If the tour doesn't start until Saturday, maybe I can just check out the pictures!

  60. Oh, Oh, -- we just got this message:

    "This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate"

    Do you think one of your neighbors complained about the noise and called the "party patrol" to investigate us?

  61. Lots of kitties and the party is just starting. Make yourselves at home. It is a sunny day right now. So if you are looking for sunny spots we gots lots. Plus I see lots of birdies at the feeders. Mum wented out this morning and filled up all the feeders.

  62. Noise, we aren't making that much noise. Compared to the lawn eating monster and the guys doing the roof down the street, we are quiet.

    Plus I think with the tent, that keeps the noise in the tent.

    George, no the tour will be this afternoon. I wanted to wait until we had a few kitties here, then enough kitties will know where things are and help those who get here later. So proably within the next hour.

  63. Hi all......This sure is impressive, Wow....I brought Mistrie and Precious (she is such a baby she had no idea how to teleport, and then she started playing instead of getting down to business, so I had to back paw her.) Mittens still isn't feeling real well, so said to say "HI" to everyone. Maybe she will feel up to it Sat or Sun. I have to go back and check up on her, but I am leaving Mistrie and Precious here. If Precious gets unruly, feel free to disipline her and don't let her have any nip. Oh, and happy purrday, Derby.


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  65. Happy Purrthday, my Derby SweetHeart Cat. I can't stay for long, but I wanted you to know that I didn't furget that it was your purrthday.

    Lots of love and purrs and headbutts,

  66. Mia, purrs. I am so happy you had a chance to drop in. ::sighs:: You can stay the weekend, mum won't mind.

    Patches, Mistrie and Precious, welcome. I hope that Mittens can join us tomorrow for the honoring ceremony, if only for that. I know she needs to rest.

  67. Hi, we're back and we brought a sack full of organic catnip frum out mom's "weed patch". Wow, this party is rockin'.

  68. Oh, Derby, we keep getting lost in blogger cyber space...what time is the honoring ceremony? We love ceremonies.

  69. Happy Purrthday/Gotcha Days to all the October kitties..... How is everyone?

  70. What time does the Honoring Ceremony start? Mom will turn off the computer when they leave around 11AM (CDT) so we might miss it. We want to be sure we catch as much of the party as we can.

    Hi everyone! Eric glad you made it across the pond. And Mia, I see you are here. We should get a picture of you & Derby together! I brought Mom's camera (don't tell her) so everyone...SMILE and say CATNIP!!!

  71. Awe, shucks! We just got back and now mom has to go pick up the niece frum school. We's gotta be quiet for awhile. Hope all you nip head kitties gots the o.k. to try some of this catnip, it's really potent.

  72. Happy birthday, Derby! I'm just doing my wishes now because Mom only lets me use the computer for a little while in the middle of a hunting day. Neato tent--I bet squillions will show up for your party!

    Meow at you later!

  73. purrrr! Happy Purrthday Derby! an Happy Purrthday an Gotcha Day ta all the October kitties!

  74. The honoring ceremony will be in the later afternoon. To accomodate Fat Eric in the UK. William, good of you to drop in, even if for a few minutes.

    We are ready to start the tours. There is a new post for that, so come on over to that post for more party comments.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.