
Sunday, October 1, 2006


Lookie what we could see out our windows yesterday. Me and mum were napping and you could start to hear boomies coming. But they wented by quickly and then the sun came out again. Then this rainbow showed up. Mum says this is part of the Rainbow Bridge where all the kitties go to. So maybe it stopped by to pick up someone.
Plus we gotted some little hailstones too as part of the storm. Not big enough to do any damage like the storm back in April. But it didn't last long.
Today is a bright, beautiful, sunny Sunday. It has gotten warm out so mum has the windows open so I can smell all the nice smells from outside.
And I made mum catch up on my linkies. Since our group keeps growing, we added another 12 links. When I started my blog we maybe had 30-40 blogs, now we are way over 100. WOW, what a great community of bloggers we have.


  1. oh, how furry beautyful! you gots some nice pictures! although it's 'fishully autumn, it was kinda warm here in missouri today (short-pants weather, mom sez), but no rains. rains allus make for good smells, don't they?

    what a dear, loving song your mom has for you--our mom remembers that song from in the movie, and says it's just almost crying-sweet. your mom loves you furry, furry much. hope you got lotsa cuddles this weekend, so your mom is rejuvenated and can go back to face the quarters again. (seems odd, to us, though; quarters are such little bitty coins . . . do they fight hard when you close 'em?)

    nels, ed, nitro & xing

  2. Great rainbow picture! and you're looking good up there on the windowsill!

  3. How did you get your mom to update your links? Did you have to promise her a treat or a new toy or something?

  4. Wow, that is sooo crazie colurful! Beeutiful

  5. Don't even mention updating all the links. Our mom starts on that and we never get to read any blogs cause she spends all the computer time regorganizing them. Hmmmp. But you are right - what a great community we have. BTW - Great pictures. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  6. ooooh, purrty! bet it smells 'specially nice outside after the storm

  7. We haf no storms here in Singapurr. But what we're hafing now is a haze. That's when the air turns grey and smells funny and sumtimes hurts my nose.


  8. I wish i would haf seen the rainbow - I would have runned and runned to the end of it to see if Trixie and Norton were there. - Miles

  9. What a pretty rainbow! You have a great window to sit in, Derby. I finally learned to get up on the really high window sill - it's a big window at the turn of the stairs and I can see for miles!! Well, okay, for yards and yards. Turtle is too small to get up there, so I have to taunt her sometimes. Heehee.
    ~ moose

  10. The rainbow almost makes all the thunder boomers worth it. Nice to know our kind goes to such a pretty place.

  11. Oh furry pretty. It turned out to be a nice day here yesterday. Momma and Georgia were out for almost three hours 'cause Georgia didn't want to come in and now she just runs under the bed inside, so Momma was enjoying the time with her.

  12. Oh that rainbow is pretty. We are a little afraid of the hailstones. They hurt if they fall on your head! But after the rain it does smell good. Looks like you have a nice day.

  13. You might be right about the Rainbow 'cause it sure seems like a lot of our friends have gone to The Bridge recently. But I don't think anyone needs be afraid if they see a rainbow in the sky.

  14. Maybe that bridge got here early for my Meowma's friends woofie! He crossed on Sunday.

  15. Wow that is amazing! I've never seen the Rainbow Bridge before. That hale stuff looks like it might be tasty??

  16. What beautiful pictures. The rainbos is so pretty. Got a double one there. So glad you got to sit in the window in the sun and smell the afterrain smells.



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