
Friday, January 19, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

You can absorb energy from many sources in the home. The television is excellent for this purpose, provided your tail dangles downward over the screen.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

Hmmm, I have been on top of the big machine with moving picturs. But mum hasn't caught me with my tail in front of it. I must be doing something wrong and not getting good ch'i.
Mum was up late one night watching this funny person on the box. Below it is just me and some of her small white things she brings out when it is cold outside. Mostly around Christmas, they have all gone back into hiding.


  1. Derby, you little toosh must be nice and warm there on the TV.

  2. You's furry handsum on the tee vee, Derby. We's learnin a lot from your posts bout Catfushus's sayings. Fanks!
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  3. Thanks for the tip from Catfucious. I think my humans would be upset if I sat on top of the picture box. You look very nice in those photos and you have Goa'uld glowing eyes in the bottom one!

  4. I am going to try that tip! Thanks!

  5. My pet would KEEL me. (Note: Not kill, but KEEL!) She thinks it's bad enough that I snuggle up beside the television.

    I want your freedom, Derby!

  6. The thing with pictures is very strange isn't it? Sometimes I see birds on it and try and catch them but it never works they always get away somehow. I can't sit on mine though, cause it's very flat, I like yours better. FAZ

  7. We have not figured out that the top to the tv is warm, too many floor vents that we can curl up on or next to.

  8. Derby

    Mom will not let me on the talking box...she will let me lay up on the satellite box.

    Abby & Boo

  9. You are just like a statue, Derby.


  10. did you push the fings off the moving pikshur box? I would haf pushed them off. -- Sammy

  11. Hey, Bonnie! Come see! Derby's on TV!
    We can't get on ours. If you dangle yur tail in front of it, it tickles an crackles this time of year. Mom says it's "Zap a Cat Season." Bonnie says "Duck! They'll hurt yur ears!"

  12. Oooh...very true! You know what else is really warm? The sattelite box thingy. I sit on that every morning.


  13. Hi Derby,
    Mom loves the heart tag on your collar.
    I told her if she get me another collar
    I want a heart too.

  14. So, let me get this only get good vibes if your tail hangs over the front? I'll have to try that, but then I'd be facing the wall!

    Maxwell Smartkitty

  15. we gots one of those things, but there's no way ta get on it. ::sigh:: KC duz that tail in front thing though. bet there's lotsa good vibes an stuff in her howse.

  16. Derby, Do u Laf at da funny man? Owr Maw duz. We like to watch Catnip Video on the talkin pictshur box.
    Luf, Us

  17. I can't get on top of our box with the tiny people in it. We have it squashed into a shelf and a tiny mouse wouldn't even be able to get on it.

    [OH! and I see I'm visitor number 12,999!!]

  18. Dang, our moving piksher boks are to skinny to sit on. Oh wate, ders one in da dungeon on da table by da clothes cleaner/dryer fingy. It's small, but I bet I cood sit on it and bonus, I can watch mom doing da clothes stuff. Deze fan shway fings are furry edjukashonal. Fanks Your Most Noble and Honourable Exalted Highness,Derby

  19. We haven't tried the top of the sparkly box. We will have to try that! It looks warm where you are...

  20. That second photo is way funny! Hardly anyone ever watches TV in our home, so there wouldn't be much fun getting on top of it - no one would even notice!


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