
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Technical Difficulties

::SIGH:: Will it ever end? Mum computer started, but then just hung up, didn't really start at all on Saturday. So she call the fun helping people and they tried to fix it by running the operating system repair. No luck.

So then they said they could wipe everything away and start over. But mum said not so fast, she wanted to do "data recovery" from the hard drive. So she took it to Mr. Geek and they recovered the stuff. Like all of my purrty pictures!!! At least we hope it worked. If not, well we were going to lose it anyway.

Then last night and tonight she spent more time on the phone getting everything redone. From scratch. So now she has to put all over her stuff on the 'puter. But one of the first things she did was to get the e-mail up. So at least we can see our messages again, the easy way.

But we losted everyone's e-mail that we had. So little by little we will have to get them all back. ::SIGH::


  1. oh no teknikal diffikulties stink. hope you get efurryfing back.

  2. Technology is supposed to make things so much easier but sometimes it just doesn't. It would be better if cats were involved in development.

  3. We feel the pain. We can't do anything to fix it, but we know how it is.

  4. I'm sorry about all of that. I guess we should be thankful that the Tall Man is a computer whiz. I hope you get everything back up and running soon!


  5. Oh no! That sounds bad. Computers are very complicated. I am glad you saved yer pictures anyway!

  6. I just stopped by to tell you your bookmarks are in the mail but, hoo boy, Derby, what a day you're having. I agree with William, cats should have invented the computer!


  7. We sented you Momma's email address. WE hope you didnt loose any pichers. Our Momma has our pichers on round disk thingy's.


  8. Oh Derby, that's a pain. Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties.

    Thanks for your sympathy over my "weekend of starvation" trauma. I'm just checking back into the blogosphere after spending 4 days eating non-stop to make up for it!

  9. Derby,

    We all feel your pain. Computers are fun when they work.

  10. What a pain, these compooter can be a real pain sometimes ~~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

  11. When computers are good, they are very very good, but when they are bad, they are horrid. (or is that about a little girl?) Anyway, we feel your pain. Good luck!



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