
Monday, May 21, 2007

ManCat Monday

"Cats pride themselves on their ability to do nothing." John R. Breen.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I spent it doing as little as possible. Just chilled out for a change.
Mum went off early on Saturday to hang out with her furiends. So that meant I didn't have anything to worry about until Sunday night when she got home. The I snuggled up with her when she got home. She look furry tired, seems she was in charge of her part of the event this weekend. Which meant more work.

Mum says thanks about the remarks about her old house. She says yes it was a cute little house, with nice woodwork and thankfully the people didn't wreck it. Parker asked if the there was a dumbwater, no that is an opening to drop dirtly clothes to the basement.

But mum says the did the biggest changes in the kitchen taking away most of the storage by removing the island. Then repainted the nice wooden kitchen cabinets white. So a few things they did mum found strange. Maybe they didn't cook much, but from the pictures she thinks that in the past five years they had two babies. So that they don't fit in the house anymore!

It was just five years ago that she sold them the house and moved here. The house is nice, but mum thought the neighorhood was getting less safe. That is why she moved.


  1. You look furry relaxed. We did the same thing, slept all day. It was cool and cloudy and Daddy even builded a fire in the hot box "to take off the chill."

    I think your wind blowy things looks like a ton of fun!!

    Mistrie actually had all 4 paws in one time!!!!


  2. what is a dumbwater???

  3. Safety is most impawtant. So it is wise of your Mom to move. Do you like the new place compared to the old?


  4. It looks like a relaxing weekend, in spite of your human giving you all htose worries. They can be so inconsiderate!

  5. What a relaxing weekend. Those are the best!

    Your Mommy's old house is so beautiful! It is the perfect home if you don't have children. I love the way they had their kitchen and steak knives although my Mommy couldn't do that cause we have 3 little kidbeans.

    Happy Monday!!!

  6. a quiet weekend is nice sometimes ~Poiland tribe

  7. That house wuz nice.
    We had a relaxing Sunday too. Well we didn't haf much choice cuz the Beans went out wiv theer frends furr the day and we wuz left locked indoors.

  8. you look furry comy on your bed there

  9. It's hard to leave a house behind sometimes. Mommy sometimes wonders what the new owners are doing with her old house, but the neighbors have said she wouldn't want to know because they don't trim her roses or take care of the yard like she used, so she stays away. Give your mommy some extra purrs from us, that is when you leave your very comfy looking bed.

  10. It's definitely a 'laxing time everywhere.


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