
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Pressie

I did get a pressie for this holiday. Mum is not working this week, so that means extra snuggle time. Yay!

Now what all has happened this week. Well first the purrade. Mum and Grampie went a little early and could get their chairs right on the street. So here is some of what they saw on the purrade.
An old fashioned fire engine.
Woofies! We kitties know better than to march in a purrade.
A furry tall person, plus there were lots of clowns.
An older car and Grampie used to have one just like it and mum remembers this car when she was a little wafer.
A special treat. A small portion of the UW Madison Marching Band.
Then mum was gone a long time today. She picked up Grampie and then they went up to the town where they used to live. They visited with lots of people and stopped by the church.
Here is the church, mum says it looks good with the red, it stands out from the white of the altar and the wood. Plus matches the red carpet.
Grampie up in the pulpit where he looks right at home. He should, he preached here for many, many years. Mum said he didn't actually give a sermon.

Then they went out to visit Grammie's grave and brought home the flowers that they ordered for the Memorial Day holiday. Mum now has them out on the patio, but they need to perk up a bit. No rain and out in the wind. So she watered it good when they got home. Hopefully in a few days it will be picture worthy.

Lots of our flowers are opening up, but I will save those pictures. It is time for me to get more lovin' from mum. I have missed her today and she has missed me too.


  1. Thanks for sharing the great pictures and stories. The one with the super tall bean was amazing. I like the fancy car and the picture of your famous grampie! I didn't know about your grammie, purrrs.

    love and purrs,

  2. Those are very nice pictures, Derby. I love seeing the places where my friends live.

    And lucky you, getting your mum home all week!

  3. It's furry nice that you've got your mum home for the whole week! Yay for extra snuggle time! Those pictures from the puurade were furry nice - thanks for the report!

  4. looks like your mom and grampie hadded a great holiday!

  5. It looks like a lovely parade!

  6. Wow! You're grampie was a preacher? That church kinda looks Lutheran. My grampie was a Lutheran minister, who started out in Wisconsin.


  7. Those are really nice pictures that you shared. Your grampie does look very at home in the pulpit. Even though he didn't give a sermon, I bet if he had, it would've been a good one.

  8. Enjoy your mom this week, Derby! Nice pictures of the parade, etc.

  9. Meow Derby! Thank you 4 your visit:) That was a nice parade...I love a patriotic holiday! Hope we will be good furrrrends. I like your is cool that you are named after the famouse horse race:)
    Love Miss Peach >(^,^)<

  10. Extra snuggle time, how lucky! And it looks like your mum and Grampie had a great time at the parade. Beautiful church too!

  11. She's been very busy! What a fun time she and Grampie had together!


  12. I have never seen a parade before. Thanks for showing your pictures. It was nice that they got to visit your Grammie's grave, too.

  13. excellent pictures, derby! it sounds like your mum and grampie had a good time together.

    my mama preached in many churches in wisconsin, iowa, and illinois when she was at wartburg seminary in dubuque. did your grampie go there?


  14. I sounds like it was a great day! Trips down memory lane can be just the greatest for a special day! Your Grampy looks right at home and very dignified! Are you Methodists?


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