
Saturday, June 16, 2007


Like I said yesterday mum was disapponted with the new pet store near us. Said stuff was costed more than other stores and we all need to save our green papers.

Well a few weeks ago she went to a short meeting at the HAWS shelter that talked about what you can do to keep your kittie happy by playing with them. Mum said she pretty much knew all of what they said, give us stuff to play with, stuff to practice our hunting skills of stalking and pouncing (for those of you who don't have real mousies to work with), and playing with us several times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time. Specially just before bed time to get us tired, so we leave you alone and you can sleep.

The only thing that mum didn't agree with was leaving the radio or TV on. She says I would be sleeping most of this time anyway, so why have it on!

The most fantastic thing they showed was a short video of a family that made their house into a kittie playground. Ladders for their kitties to climb up to the top of the room, then along the top of the room walkways that went across the rooms and even from room to room, going through the walls! Mum is not likely to do that for me. Says it would cost more green papers than she could afford.

So what were some of the thngs and simple things to play with? See below, all homemade!
On the left is a baby stocking filled with stuffing and catnip and then just sewed shut at the top. Then a spider thingy made with pipe cleaners with a little fluffy thing glued on (optional) and the pipes are bent over at the end to keep the scratchy part away from us. Then a milk jug ring that had been crow-shayed around to make it bigger.
I checked them out and they are pretty good. The stocking could use more nip, but if you make your own, the you can put as much nip in it as you want!

Everyone attending got one of the little toys above, but then they drew out names to give out other toys and mum said we already had those type of toys, but what we didn't have was a big fancy fevver. She got lucky and got a fevver, she says it is a peacock fevver and I think it is pretty.
So here she is showing it to me and getting me to pounce on it, then slowly tickling me with the fevver and then me turning to try to get it. Mum finds it hard to take pictures while she is playing with me, so not many pictures. But this is such a fun fevver to play with. Mum has seen these sold in one of the local pet store here near the toys. So they know a good thing!
But then play time is over and mum has to put the fevver away, so it sits up on top of the mirror thingy. I know it is there but I can't quite get to it from the table. Mum isn't it time to bring that down so we can play? Soon please?
I hope the rest of you get lots of play time today with your beans. Have fun, I will. Let's go mum!

Happy Father's Day to all the dad beans and grampies out there too. A big purr to my Grampie, love you.


  1. I want a sock filled with catnip. I have put in an order with My Lady. We'll see if she delivers.

  2. My humans are still away but the cat sitters are playing with me every day. They are very nice. FAZ

  3. Oops, when we read da title we thawt it sed cavities, as in holes in da teefs! Cativities is much better.

  4. Those look like fun toys and the fevver looks great! We gotta talk Mom into gettin' us one! Glad you're havin' fun!!

  5. I like your fevver. I want one. I got two more bags of my favorite, pink plastic golf balls today. D said they were the last of the pink display. Now I have nearly a hundred of them.
    Thanks for coming by my site. I'm so happy to meeting other cat freinds.

  6. Oh, DKM is going to have to try those milk lid toys for me!

  7. That must have been a GREAT meeting!! I hope they let your mum play with the toys too.

  8. My Mommie wants to try to make a toy from pipe cleaners. But she is not very crafty, so this should be interesting!

    Happy Father's Day to your Grampie!

  9. As usual, you are a doll boy, Smiley Boy in all your usual.....

    That peecock feather looks interesting. Did it come from a rooster that peed a lot?


  10. Pee Ess....I will tell Daddy happy Father's Day from you, but he is so busy watching the cars go round and round, he proly won't hear me.


  11. Those are all great toys Derby! The feathers are great. The four of us destroy about one a month! Have a nice Sunday and HFD to your Gramp!

  12. Those look like grate toys Derby. Mum sez she yoosed to haf a peacock fev-ver when she had the Befurrus Cats. They ate it befurr mum got us. We fink she should git anuvver one.

  13. Hi, Derby! Was it The Cats' House on the video? The Feeders say that is way too much work! The cats look happy at least.

    Happy father's day to your grandfather!

  14. Toys!!! I wanna play! I wanna play!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.