
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just Ducky

Special purrs go out to my blogging furiend Buzzerbee. On Thursday he will be helped to The Bridge. Please stop by and send him on his way with a kind word. God Speed Buzzerbee. We will miss you.

Well mum stopped on her way home from shopping on Sunday to take pictures of the waterfall in our little town. She drives past all the time on her way to and from Grampies. So she took her camera with her and stop special just to take some pictures.
When she started to look she saw all sorts of duckies around the falls. These two cooling their feet in the water on the top of the falls. These guys were at the bottom of the falls on the side away from mum. These were just underneath where she was standing. She didn't take a picture of them but some kids were just out of camera range with their fishing poles. Last night when mum came home she saw this in the drive, she wonders if she ran over the little birdie with the metal monster! Mum didn't mean hurt the birdie if she did, or if it was already there and injured and it couldn't move. Poor birdie. Mum is furry sorry if she killed you by accident. Lastly, mum is still not happy with the squirrels. They got at Phat Flower Eric and started digging in him too. Sheesh, the squirrels have no respect. Virginger was right there but wasn't able scare it or stop the squirrel. Samantha and Tigger were impressed that I have gotten to 26,000 visitors and wondered how long I have been blogging. I started in November 2005. So over a year and a half. At that time there were maybe 2-3 dozen blogging kitties, now we have nearly 200! So the visits add up fast. But kitties like Max who have been blogging furrever have over 200,000 visitors! I have a long way to go to catch up with him. Mum also got my Secret Paw package taken to the station Monday evening. So my special furiend, your stuff is on it's way. Could it be you?

Hmmm, wait a second. This blog is supposed to be about me! Sure it is one thing to show you other stuff, but there hasn't been a picture of me since Friday's post. Not acceptable, so to satisfy all of my fans, me!


  1. That waterfall is way beautiful - I've never seen one of those before!

    Gosh, I'm glad you added that picture of yourself - it's a nice one!

  2. There you are Derby! You are the best picture, but I did like looking at the duckies too, they looked good. Now where's my recipe book? I'm sure they have a good recipe for duck. Or perhaps squirrel? I could solve your squirrel problem.

  3. Beautiful pix! You are a big beautiful ManCat!

  4. Dat sure am a lovely waterfall. It's nice dat yoo has a picture of da pretty fings to balance da poor squished birdie. He wuz prolly sick and didn't hear da metal monster. Or schmaybe he committed hari kari.

  5. good thing you fixed the picture indiscrepancy Derby. ~the fluffy tribe

  6. Dat's a purrty waterfall, and don't those fev-vers look yummy.
    What mum? oh ok then.
    don't those little ducks look sweet?
    Did yer mum give yoo the squished fev-vers?

  7. Those squirrels a sneaky. I always try to take lessons from them...

  8. That waterfall is so pretty!

    Since it was in your driveway, I doubt that a healthy birdie would have been unable to move out of the way fast enough. So it was probably already a goner, or very sick.

  9. I like the picture of you Derby - it's very manly the way you are grooming yerself.

    That is a very pretty waterfall. We have ducks that live in our court all year long - they drive me crazy prancing around in the road. I have to run back and forth from the deck to the front window in order to keep my eyes on them - I think they are trying to drive me crazy on purpose - darn ducks.

    P.S. sorry about the little birdie - I'm sure it was already dead before your Mum even got home.

  10. Beautiful waterfall - great pictures - am sorry about Buzzerbee - hope he has a peaceful journey!

  11. You do look a little tired Derby. Must be all that typing you're doing.

  12. Oh MeOW!! Wow Mr Derby! You're so handsome!



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