
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Royal Mews

Perhaps you noticed in the picture the other day a video that is titled 'The Royal Mews'. You can see it just above my one hind paw. You can biggify if you want. I figured her Majesty has kitties and since she has such a big house, lots of kitties.

But mum says Her Majesty mainly has woofies and that the word 'mews' does not apply to the sounds that we kitties make. Mum says it refers to the place where they keep the horsies for Her Majesty to ride or pull her carriage. Or even keep the fancy cars she rides in.

The weather got nice again, so mum can open the windows for me again. It was so nice sitting in the window and watching the birdies and outside buns.
Keeping watch, I can't see any birdies in the pictures but I can hear them. Mum checked the wren nest tonight, but the babies were snuggled down where she could just see them. Still not sure if two or three in the nest.
There must be something out there, my tail won't hold still! I didn't see it but mum says she saw a baby bunnie tonight. She said she knew it was a baby as it was so small. It ran under a bush and hid from her.
Mum would you just go away with that picture box thing, flash or no, I just want to look out the window in peace. Go take a shower!


  1. You look like a king on his throne on that pillow, Derby! Nice window to look out of!

    I've been thinking and you might be right: Mom may have turned that camcorder on to see if she could catch me doing something wrong. Not that I ever would, like you said.

  2. Hi Derby! You looked very comfy laying on your pillow.We don't have a window to watch birdies from, but we do get to hunt lizzies on our porch...Sia

  3. I think we have the same kitty perch!

  4. Derby I really like your pillow, you look very cute napping on it. I like to sit at the window and watch the birdies too. We have alot of Quails in our yard and they just had their babies. Mum keeps trying to take their picture, but they are so small you can barely see them, well she can barely see them in the picture, I can see them just fine!

  5. Wow, you have a great view and I can almost hear the birdies chirping! I also like your lepord cushy looking resting place.

  6. Hi Derby, did yoo enjoy da rain the other night? We had a lot of robbins pulling up worms the next morning, that was a grate show to watch. We like dat perch, our is kinda worn out and it doesn't stay flat anymore. Maybe I'm to heavy to be jumping in it...

  7. You are so pretty - you should pose for the flashy box! That is what I do!!!
    Come and get some fresh catnip at our place!

  8. The picture box is the most annoying thing - even without the flashy. I (meep) have perfected the ultimate way to drive my mom nuts - I make my face have a sooper-cute expression, and as soon as she points the box-thingy at me, I look down. She has a squillion pictures of the TOP of my head!

  9. Mum's can be annoying when your just trying to do cat things, can't they?

    Luf, Us

  10. I love your window seat! Do you think the flashy box is scaring off the birdies and bunnies that you could be watching??

  11. Birdies are so much fun to look at. What's up wif da Moms always wif da flashy thing?

  12. That's a great window seat, yoo must see efurryfing that's going on outdoors

  13. Wonderful relaxing pictures of you... really.

  14. Hi Derby!

    Did you get the rain and thunderboomers today?

    I am feeling better. Im getting lots of stinky goodness and my sisters aren't! I think I have at least 9 teeth left (kitties have 18 "big teeth" and 12 "incisors" that we lose). I don't want to lose anymore! It wasn't fun going away.

  15. You sure have a nice place to lay in the sun. Also a really neat pad to lay on too. Happy nap time.


  16. Hey, Derby! Mine Mom asplored the Royal Mews when she was in Ingland, umm, 16 years ago! She was horse-crazy and really liked the Mews. Cool pictors!

    Hey, this werd verification is stoopid: ahhhwrk
    Who efur says, "Ahhh, work"?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.