
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Berry Good

Oh, no. I think we are getting company soon. Mum has been spending lots of time making lists of stuff to do, getting stuff out of hiding and then putting it in a different hidey spot so that I don't get at it. Extra stuff like towels and such. She is even doing lots of extra cleaning and one of the extra rooms has the door closed so I can't go inside to see what she is doing or has in that room.

She and Grampie keep talking about the 4th, so it must be happening that day! I know there are supposed to be parties for us kitties that day, so if mum is busy with guests I can teleport over, but won't be saying much.

I had a little visitor yesterday. Mum was on the couch and I was looking out of the windows that go all the way to the floor. See my little bun furiend?
Mum managed to zoom in and take a second picture before the little guy hopped off into the neighbors yard. Mum says this is a baby bun as it isn't as big as it will get.
Mum went off early this morning, even before starting the washy stuff of the day. That is rather unusual. She was gone a few hours and came home with this stuff.
Mum calls the rasp-berries and says they are very yummy, one of her most favorite berries. Near where we live is a little farm that lets people pick their own stuff. Mum even called Grampie and told him she would be bringing some of these over to him. The rest I guess will be for the company.

It is another wonderful open window day. Sunny, warm, a light breeze and no humidity. Mum says it is a purrfect summer day.


  1. Mmmm ... berries!

  2. My mom loves those kind of berries too! Have a fun time on the fourth...what's this about teleporting to a kitty party?...can Tommy and I come?...we don't get out much.

  3. Good thing that little bun isn't here--Caroline would DEFINITELY bite on his ears!

    Derby, it was 97 when I posted this evening! But this is usually our hot time until mid-July when the monsoons come. At least we're hoping the monsoons come. The weather's been so weird that who can tell. Anyway, that's when the afternoon rains make the temps a little more moderate. In the meantime, I'm glad we have air conditioning!

  4. Those berries look like they would be fun to bat around the floor.
    How fun to have the visitor bunny hop right up to the door to see you!


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