
Friday, July 13, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

An unflattering collar creates bad romance. The wise cat knows that all collars are unflattering Remove the collar at once and hide it where humans cannot find it.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

I have tried this multiple times. Once I managed to hide it good enough that mum didn't find it for a week. But mum does buy the safety collars so that it will come off if it gets caught on something.
This is where she found it when I hid it under the blankets on the bed. Go back to December 2005 for the whole story.
But mum does take it off sometimes and let me go naked. Plus then she can get out the zoom groom and brush my furs real good.
Flower Friday

This week I am not forgetting to post my flower on Friday. Mum was outside tonight a took a whole bunch of pictures of the new flowers that bloomed this past week.
This is the same plant, top picture is when the flowers were just beginning to open and then when they were open. Mum says this is is a "Asclepias tuberosa" and is good for attracting butterflys. Mum has lots planted that will attract butterflys and hummingbirds. Plus we had good rains this week so everything looks perked up.

Mum says she is happy it is Friday and that we can have a quiet weekend.


  1. I have the same kind of collar! I also take off my collar by myself when I feel like it, but I never thought to hide it! I'm gonna try that next time!


  2. I wish I could get my collar off. The People make me wear it cause tehy're afraid I'll get out and be lost. Like I EVER want to go outside... =sigh=

  3. I love to look at pretty flowers. But I don't know anything about collars.

  4. Hmmmm, attracting butterflies! Anastasia would like that, she loves to play with butterflies, usually the butterflies win.
    Are you an outdoor cat so that you need the collar? Then you should keep it on for your own protection in case you get lost!
    But indoors you should take it off if your Mom doesn´t do it!!!
    Nice tongue, I like to stick out my tongue too!

  5. Mommy has found our collars in some VERY interesting places too!

  6. They've tried collars with me. About 30 seconds later they are off and gone. I hate them. I even have a tag but there is no point because I will never wear a collar.


  7. My mom says quiet weekends, or for that matter, any weekends are the best!

  8. your red collar is furry attraktive on you!

  9. I have not had to wear a collar. I think because I squirm too much and the woman doesn't want to have to do that.

  10. Derby, I agree with you that it's better to go au naturel. My humans know better than to try to force me to wear a collar (or do anything that displeases me!).

    Flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds are OK with me. I like a little snack when I'm outside.

    Kelly's human adds: Ah, Kelly's all talk. He can't catch birds or butterflies.

  11. I have never worn a collar before. I think they look very fashionable though.

  12. Hi Derby! I'm back in town and wanted to stop by and say hello. Hello!

    Have a superfantastic weekend!

  13. Oh Derby, I have never seen you naked! My Mum makes me wear a collar too, she is paranoid that I will somehow escape and get lost. I am very particular about the kind of collar I wear, my Mum found a leather one that I like. It's red and I don't mind wearing it at all.

  14. try hidin yer collar behind yer litterbox, bet she'd never find it there!

    the flowers are very pretty!

  15. You and yore mom haff furry pretty flowers in yore yard. The only fing blooming our yard now is da hostas.

    We don't blame you for the collar incident. We won't wear collard either, mom's tried and it was a very bloody experience for mom.

  16. I am glad that I don't have to wear a collar. I think that they would not be comfortable.

  17. We've never worn a collar ... well, Egypt did when she left kitty rescue to come home. No collars for us!

  18. I used to have the same kind of collar! I took it off all the time as well. The Feeders gave up. I saw them buy a couple of beastie bands for us last year, but they haven't tried putting them on us yet. We hate wearing collars! One of the Feeders is very concerned that if we get out, we won't be found!

    The flowers are very beautiful. The English Feeder loves butterflies and is quite jealous.

  19. we all have collars. Except, they were taken off when we went to the VET and they haven't been put back on. Of course, one is missing but we won't tell where!

  20. I know what you mean about the collars. I hate them. It didn't take long for my bean to get the message. I don't go outside anyway, so she took it off. But she still worries I could get out and get lost.Your moms flowers are very attractive. I like butterflies.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.