
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm A Natural

The group at The Zoo Crew nominated me for The Schmooze Award. I am a natural schmoozer, sort of runs in the family. Grampie, mum, Uncle Stormie. I think we can all just sit down with anyone and visit. Plus since I am running for office with Cheysuli, I need to be good at schmoozing.
"As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability 'to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.' Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."

Here are the rules: Each award winner is to display the badge on the sidebar of his blog with a link to the post which contains the explanation of the award, then nominate five bloggers to receive the award. Now comes the really hard part. It's not hard at all thinking of bloggers who schmooze, it's finding ones who haven't been nominated yet. Here are my picks(more than 5 kitties, but just 5 blogs!):

The gang at House of Mostly Black Cats - Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

The ladies of the Big Piney Woods - Patches, Mittens, Mistrie and Precious

Edsel the Pooch

Diva Kittie and the Fluffies - Sophia, Fiona and Orlando

Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat

Plus the LOLCats at I Can Has Cheeseburger made Time Magazine this week! We internet cats are becoming more mainstream!
I keep thinking I has something else to tell you guys, but it hasn't come to me. If and when I amember it I will post on it. Schmooze to you all.


  1. hey Derbs, thanks for nominatin' me. we don't know how to vote, so that means if there's votin' involved, i can't even vote for myself. gosh, i hope someone else will, it would be embarassin' to not get any votes!!!! glad you're well. you be careful of that hawk and man, it musta been really cool to see a baby bunny do a binky!!!

  2. Congrat-ula-shuns on the Schmooze award! It seems well-earned!

    We are thinkin of takin some internet class in it to learn how it is done. We talk to The Big Thing a lot, but it isnt exactly the same thing.

  3. Congratulations on da schmooze award!

    ~Donny and Marie

  4. I love the LOLCats, Derby. Haha, they are so funny.

  5. Cute photo--arrre you winking at everrryone?


  6. I'm glad one of us is good at schmoozing--I'm just not!

    I think it's great that we are finally getting out there but there are still people who don't take us seriously. I have a link that I'll be publishing soon to a comment made on copyblogger that bothered me a bit...

  7. Congratulations on your award! On, and I am glad to see the coverage of I Can Has Cheezburger. I love that site!

  8. Concatulations on the Schmooze Award Derby! You certainly deserve it!

  9. I agree, Derby! I guy who wants a career in politics must become a "master" schmoozer.


  10. Thanks for all your good get well wishes Derby! You're looking mighty fine today by the way!

  11. Wow! Time Magazine! Good job I Can Has Cheesburger!!

    Congratulations on your Schmooze Award, Derby :)

    ~Maggie Mae

  12. Congratulations :)

  13. Wow! Concatulations Derby!
    And fanks for nominating us :) We'll post for tomorry. :)

  14. Hi Derby! Congrats you schmoozer! We loved your Monday post over here. It was a great quote, and Mom is always drooling over your pictures. She was also drooling over those berries and thought they looked yummy enough to swim in. (By the way, she is completely nuts).

  15. Congrats, Derby, on your award!

  16. Congratulations - you are a Schmoozer!
    I love reading I can haz cheeseburger, too!

  17. schmoozing is an excellent quality in someone running for office Derby! concatulations!!


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