
Monday, July 30, 2007

ManCat Monday

Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a lot of ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia. - Joseph Wood Crutch Mum left me alone most of the day yesterday. More of her playing in traffic. But when she got home and unpacked the cooler, she had a ham sandwich in it. So she had that for supper and shared me some of the ham.

So then she cleaned up and then sat down on the couch and read the paper. So then I could snuggle with her. So I did get some time with her. But she was furry tired, so wented to bed early. YAAWWWNNNNN. Maybe I should join her.


  1. Oh, yeah ... Naps are almost as great as Temptations an' stinky goodness.


  2. Sleeping with momma is better than thinking of the lonely feelings~!

    You may have good time with your momma in your dream together~!
    It is lovely to heard that you share ham with each other.

  3. Hi Derby,

    Thanks for dropping by our blog. Its a gloomy Monday here is Malaysia. We wanna join you too. YAWWWNNNNN.

  4. Ah Derby, we have had so many days like that. In fact, I had to work extra hard to keep the humans from sleeping in this morning...

  5. Hmmm, I still have to try this hamm evfurryone talks about.

  6. It looks like rain here so I've been passed out all day too. Naps are great.


  7. Naps are super. I think I'll have one now.
    your bud Pepi

  8. Your mom plays in traffic? Ours sits in traffic for at least 2 hours a day, but she doesn't play. Well, sometimes she plays her handheld Yahtzee game at stop lights, but only when she's at a complete stop. Apparently traffic is mighty boring. Ham, however, is NEVER boring. I insist on having some ham every morning. Yum!

  9. Ooh, we get to have some ham tomorrow that our Lady brought home tonight. She was also in the traffic and said tomorrow we will have ham -- Hooray!!! Time for bed here too...

    Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  10. All I did on Saturday was sleep. You look like I did on that day. It was nice.

  11. Sooo sleepy...Arrren't you no
    nocturrrnal like me?

    Orrr is it day time at yourrr place?

    You look quite comforrrtable.
    Maybe...(yawn) I should (yawn) get to bed...(yawn) too!

  12. Oooo you gots ham? We loves ham! Yore mom is nice to share her ham with you. Your pikshure is making us furry sleepy (YAWN).

  13. We have not had this ham stuff either. It sounds intriguing. Hope you got some good naptime in.

  14. Hey Derby. Glad to see you are OK. I got taken to the evil V-E-T today and had my blood stolen, please purr for me!

  15. Hi Derby! I hope you're getting lots of nice rest!

  16. Love your lovely nap photo. snuggles with beanmom are the best!

  17. HI Derby! Man... nothin' like sharing a ham sandwich with your mom. How sweet.

  18. Yay, you got ham!! You look nice and comfy nappin' there, it makes us want to go sleep some more!!


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