
Monday, October 1, 2007

ManCat Monday

In October not even a cat is to be found in London.- Anonymous
Happy October First everyone. The bestest month of the year, 'cuz it is the month I was born in! I will be bugging mum every day for extra treats and toys because I know she will spoil me, as usual.

It was very nice having mum around all weekend. First, the weather was nice, so that meant the windows were open all weekend. To have nice warm and sunny weather this time of the year for several days in a row can be rare. Even mum was saying how nice it was.

With the windows open it blew down the peacock feather for me to play with. But that is the only feather I want to play with. Mr Hawk paid us a visit yesterday. All of the birdies scattered and he swooped through the yard. I don't see that he got any little birdie, but he flies so fast he might have gotten one and we just didn't actually see it.


  1. This sounds like it will be a very exciting month for you Derby. You get to celebrate for a full month. I shall have to instigate that next March for myself!

  2. You deserve to be spoiled, Derby - it's exciting that this is your birthday month!

  3. October is really nice, yes~!
    Weather is cooler and windy!!!
    I also love it very much~!!!

    And you look very comfy, which I love that.

  4. Happy Birthmonth to you Derby. You look so snuggley in that picture I wanted to come and join you. FAZ

  5. I think October is a good month, what with your birthday and Halloween and everything!

  6. Mommy loves October.The weather gets cooler and she loves Halloween.I hope the little birdie's got away :)

  7. October is a good month. Our weather will finally begin to cool, not much but anything is better than all those 90+ degrees. Mom likes to sit with us when she isn't scurring all over the house to do stuff on her off days...I don't know why they get all bothered, do you by things like housework?

    Be careful of those Hawks Derby, they have been known to catch kitties....


  8. You look all cozy laying on your throw blankets. Happy birthday month - enjoy everyday!

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  9. DKM saw Ms. Eagle swoop over yesterday - she's huge!

  10. Happy October, Derby! This is my favorite month, too.

  11. October is definitely good, and you look all ready for it there, Derby. Are you having a party this year? I hope so. Maybe a bonfire in the fireplace would be good for a party.
    your bud Pepi

  12. Hawks! Yikes, I hope you're staying inside because you might be a strong Mancat, but those hawks are fast and mean. And with it being your birthday month you do deserve treats every day!

  13. Happy October Dervy! and happy Tuesday!
    Halloween is close Woohooo!!


  14. Derby, you look so cozy on those blankets. You are lucky that the weather is still nice where you live, it is cold here, brrr.....

    Happy Birthday month!

  15. Yay, October, that is my purrthday month too so it is very good.

    Don't understand that quote about "In October not even a cat is to be found in London"?? Maybe it is a quote from the olden days. My humans say London is furry busy in October - all the humans have come back to work from their holidays so my dad does not like his train to work because it is packed. But then again London is even busier towards Christmas when lots of tourists come to do their Christmas shopping...

  16. Hi Derby! Yoo definitely look ready for football season. We're ready to celebrate yur birfday wif yoo all month.

  17. Woah....happy birthmonth derby!
    It sounds wike you've got a gweat weekend!

  18. Happy BirthMonth Derby. Its so good to be spoilt!

  19. Oh, you look cozy and warm Derby. I luv the colors in your nose leathers.


  20. October is my fave month as well, beanmom and you share the same purrthday!


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