
Friday, November 23, 2007

Funky Fang Shui Friday

My first guest picture for Funky Fang Shui Friday. Ms Parker of Perfectly Parker.
When zoned out on nip, make sure you look cute. Do not get aggressive, this will result in the total withholding of nip in the future.

If you would like to be part of Funky Fang Shui Friday, send me a picture at derbycat AT wi DOT rr DOT com. You know the drill, substitute the proper symbols for words in the address.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, well except for Fat Eric. He was bummed that we had a holiday here in Mericky and they didn't have one in the UK. But I invited him over to share my turkey dinner. I even have left overs.
Then after this nice meal I napped, or at least I tried to on my nice new bed. Mum and Grampie were watching the Packer game. They kept clapping and cheering the team on. The Packers won, so they did a good job.
Then Mum and Grampie left to have their turkey dinner. After a while mum came home and was getting the turkey sleeping sickness. She fell asleep on the couch.

She has been so busy on her week off I hope she rests more today. She isn't one for getting up and going shopping on a day like today. She does not like crowds and doesn't need the stuff they are selling anyway.

I did get a little bit of the liquid from the soup mum made the other day, but not much. The soup has onjuns in it, so it isn't good for kitties. That cupboard that I got into only has cooking bowls and such. No actual foods. Mum loves this kitchen as she has lots of cupboards for all of her stuff.


  1. Good for you fer sharin the holiday foods with Fat Eric!

  2. Ah yes, the sleepy turkey sickness. I believe that may be what happened to me!

  3. It is so nice of you to share with Fat Eric. I am glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Parker does look nipped out and cute at the same time.

  4. We love Parker. That's a great Funky Fang Shui Friday of her :-D

    I hope your Mom slows down and relaxes now. You know, spend the rest of her time off with you!

  5. It was so good to see Parker as your first fang shui friday guest...purrfect.

    Sounds like you had some wonderful foods this Thanksgiving and shared with Eric....


  6. I think the Funky Fang Shui advice today is very, very important. I would not like to get cut off from the 'nip!

  7. I love that bed of yous, Derby!

    How sweet of you to share with Fat Eric ... you're one generous cat.

    Parker looks perfectly cute; I'm sure she'll get more nip! :)

  8. We love that new bed of yours Derby! Our people all got the sleeping sickness too and everyone went to bed early!
    Parker makes a pretty Fang Shui subject!

  9. Wow, busy day and we agree with Fat Eric (although we do get Guy Fawkes night). CEL

  10. I am so honored to be the first Funky Fang Shui Friday guest! The advice is good and I try not to get aggressive as I must have 'nip in my life (in moderation :))
    I know all about that sleeping sickness - it hit hard here yesterday!
    Thanks again Derby!

  11. That was nice to share with Eric, we had to share our turkey with the dog! She barely even remembers to chew! Glad you ha a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. That is good advice for Fang Shui Friday. It sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. I enjoyed celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving last month, although I didn't get any turkey.

  13. Hay deby i was wondeing if you could give us an adress for a hoilday card

    you can send it too queenlillycatAtaolDOTcom

    Lilly lu and mu shue


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.