
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Raise Your Paw

Gaius challenged us kitties to Raise Our Paws for a cause. Well I very enthusiastically raise my paw for my shelter.

I had a short but nice stay at the Humane Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) of Waukesha County in Wisconsin before mum brought me to my furever home. They are a furry nice place and mum helps them out with green papers when she can. Even today they had a holiday bazaar and mum went to buy a few things for me and for her.

Below are a couple of the things she got for herself. They are fancy chocolates. Mum says the first one will be good to serve next week for Thanksgiving.
This one she just thought was cute, a little yellow kittie and a mousie.

They have a great facility for all sort of animals. But now they need more room as the number of kitties and other creatures are out numbering the woofies. So they need to expand so they have more room. Mum sent a special payment in to help with the expansion. Every little green paper helps, then they can help more kitties and buns and lots of other creatures.

Mum said they must be crowded with kitties. They had 6 kitties in the lobby area in cages as the back was all full. Mum said she even saw a kittie who could have been me! Same markings, the white on the bottom, how the white comes up my shoulders, the little white stripe on my head. Tail was a little more floofly and, oh, it was a girl kittie, named Piper and about 10 months old. Mum was furry tempted to bring her home, but didn't. Piper has sisfur, Murmur, and HAWS wants to adopt the two together. Phew. I like being an only cat.


  1. Nice paw raising, Derby!
    Yes, my beans display at Trainfest an they're stayin at the La Quinta in Waukesha! I wanted to go wif dem an bisit you, but Mom wanted me to stay home w/ Bonnie. Will you watch fur mine beans, pleeze? Fanks! Purrs!

  2. That's a very good place to be raising your paw for Derby!

  3. Nice paw raising.

  4. Dat's wonnerful about yur old shelter. The chocolates are a great idea too.

  5. It's good that you guys are helping. We have a shelter near us we support too. FAZ

    p.s. Do you think your cat ancestors came from Derbyshire originally Derby?

  6. It makes me very happy that you are supporting such a good cause. Shelters can always use more help!

  7. Good paw raise Derby. Your shelter sounds a lot like the one that we are supporting. It sounds like you came whisker close to having a sister!

  8. Wow, yer lucky you dint end up wit 2 sisters! That would haf been a really big change in your house.

    Skeeter and LC

  9. High five to you!

    Thanks for coming to our party. So glad that you could make it and we hope you are having fun!

    Don Opus and Lefty Litterpaw

  10. That's a great reason to raise your paw.

  11. Excellent reason to raise yer paw derby :)

  12. Hey, Derby, you've won a consolation surprise in our "Life of the Party" contest from our human artist's birthday party! We need you to email us your address so we can mail it to you! Our email address is on our blog.


  13. I love that picture of you raising your paw! That sounds like a wonderful cause ...

  14. Gweat thing to waise your paw to Derby!


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