
Friday, December 28, 2007

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Test all clear liquids carefully, don't expose yourself to dangerous depths of water.
I am just tasting what is coming out of the tap. Tastes OK to me. I do have to be careful in the hot rain room. But I have learned that once all of the gurgling stops, then the water is gone and I can jump in to the tub and I won't get my paws too wet.

Plus you don't want to get into other liquids, that are not drinkable, if you know what I mean. Like the humans litterbox thingy. Blech.

WooHoo, it is the weekend already!! Nice thing about holiday weeks, the beans don't have to be at work as much. They can stay home and play with us.


  1. Oh I love getting in the sink and the tub! We got a fountain for Christmas so we always have running water. It is so much fun!!

    Merry Christmas (late) and a very Happy New Year to you and your family Derby!!

    Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

  2. That looks so cute. I might just try it next time for fun only because our tap water tastes rather yukky due to additives. SS collects rainwater for me to drink because I prefer that.

  3. The water here in Munich is hard, so we don't like drinking from the tap. Unfortunately, we do have to get in the tub when there's water in it, since we need our weekly baths.

  4. Now you tell me, I thought it was okay to drink out of the human litter box, no wonder they keep closing the lid. FAZ

  5. My stupid brother Rudy likes to get in the shower with Mommy and sit way at the end and get misted. I think his brain is scrambled!

  6. thanks fer the water information derby. i wish i knew it before i jumped in the tub right as mommees was turnin on the water. i sure wuz surprised!

    thanks fer bisiting me at my sisfers an mines blog.


  7. Furry good advise, Derby. A lil water on the paws from the bottom of the tub hockey rink is ok. A lot is not ok.
    your bud Pepi

  8. i likes to sit in the tub, but only when it's dry - Miles

  9. I have not mastered this technique yet and I find that my head gets wet every time I get a drink.


  10. Drinking from the faucet is very fun. Derby, it looks like you have great technique.

  11. Mommy is home with us, too - it's like a really really long weekend, and we definitely like it. We are doing lots of lazing about, as usual, but it's better when mommy is lazing, too. She makes a warm kitty sofa.

    We are taking good care of her, not to worry. Mommy says to thank you and your mum for your kind words.

    ~ moose

  12. Derby!! Tanks fur offerin' to pooops on da pillow. I tink dis iz a furry rezonabull response!! Hopes to see you at my partee on NY EVE!!!

  13. Derby, those are fine rules to live by with the water thing. I am not that much interested in water myself but the puffy cat is!

  14. You are a very smart cat testing the water like that! Ollie gets right under the faucet and drinks from the trickling water. Yuck.

  15. I'm not much of a sink/tub guy..and definitely NOT a human litterbox guy-I leave that to the woofies. Now, I might sneak a drink out of my mom's glass every now and then, but it's usually because I can't get to my water bowl for some reason.

  16. While I do enjoy drinking out of the sink, my larger brothers tend to push me out of the way. This means I have to wait to get some and by that time mom usually has turned off the sink.


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