
Saturday, December 8, 2007


Sheesh, what is a kittie to do? Mum has hardly been around and when she is, she is not paying attention to me! Or letting me have time to visit all of my blogging furiends.

Friday, she went to work, then came home. But left again and didn't come come until many hours later! Plus she smelled of meat! It took that long to eat something? She did say she wished she could have been home earlier as it was a really long evening.

It was a night out for the holidays with her work people. Firsted, she went back in time (did she teleport?) to see dinosaurs! She says this show was good and recommends it if it comes into your town. It isn't just for people with little kids.

After the show, then they went to eat meat and lots of it. They went to a Brazilian place and they serve meat, meat and more meat. Mum says they keep bringing freshly prepared meats that you can get as much or as little as you want of all these different meats. Mum said the food tasted great, but it was so late to eat such a big meal. But she did save room for dessert, which was one of her favorites flan. Some people may know this as creme caramel.

Then today she has spent far too much time working with the sucking monster, writing things inside pretty cards, reading things that she has been pushing off. Plus stuff has been coming up from the dungeon that normally hides in boxes. The tree came up and the lights are on it. Plus a few snow people.

So I have been ignoring her! Two can play this game lady! So you can look at my backside.


  1. Derby, for some much needed snuggle time, please come over!

  2. I think that is just exactly what she deserved.

  3. Humans are so selfish. Going away, being 'busy' when they're home... We need to find better staff creatures!! These humans are too self-centred and not enough us-kitties-centred!!!

    Showing her your backside is no more than she deserved! Stay strong and don't give in too easily to her blandishments when she finally decides to pay attention to you!


  4. You are absolutely right, people who eat meat all the time and leave you with cat food only don't earn your attention, I have to admit that I would like to eat in that Mexican Restaurant too, lol ! But I promise I would ask for a doggy bag or rather a kitty bag or hide some food in my purse for my cats !

  5. Your Mum weawwy deserved it!

  6. Our folks ate at a Brazilian place where they bring the meat out like that too. Its a new place in downtown Mpls.
    Derby, you were right to give the ole backside treatment!

  7. You look happy in your bed. I need a bed like that....

  8. Mmmm, Brazilian! Your mum didn't think to bring home a little taste for you?

  9. Good for you!

    You do have a nice backside, BTW ;-)

  10. Derby, you sure know how to turn a cold shoulder! (Although, your backside might be more cute than you give it credit for - and it might not have the effect you were goin' for!)

    ~ nala

  11. Oh dat Brazilian meat is da best! We wants Mom to go get some and bring some home. Yeah, give her yur backside if she didn't bring yoo any good beef home. Then again, she's prolly doing a good fing for yoo coz sometimes dat meat has all kinda spices on it dat might make yur tummy feel icky. I'd still want a teeny taste tho.
    Purrs, BB&A

  12. Derby, If you still can't view the 2007 Playboy Bunny Calendar photos, email us at mercyandpercy at gmail dot com and we'll send you a copy. Anyone else who can't view them too.

    Jan's Funny Farm

  13. Hey, We found the problem. All the calendar photos disappeared from Google's web album. We had a problem earlier. Strange thing is we could see them & Jan's brother could see them, but when he clicked on the pix to enlarge, they weren't there.

    The 2007 Playboy Bunny Calendar photos are online and working again, if you still want to view them.

    Jan's Funny Farm

  14. How dare her ignore you! I would give her my backside too!!


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