
Friday, February 1, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Shadow cat are auspicious on sunny days. Beware of shadow cat on cloudy days. It has been sunny but cold, now it is cloudy and snowy. How about a birdie for Fevver Friday! Here is a Red-bellied woodpecker who stopped by recently. No mum does not eat my treats and I don't eat hers. I only like her stuff when it is ham, chick-hen, beef, fish, tuna and stuff like that. But mum keeps my treats by the couch as that is when she gives me a treat or two while we watch the tv or mum reads a book, or we check out what my furiends are doing.

Otherwise, it has been sort of nothing really big happening. Just hanging out, waiting for the weekend to get here. Oh wait, if its Friday that means the weekend.


  1. happy friday derby! that fev-ver in the pikshur looks delicious

  2. That is a lovely bird Derby. Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!

  3. That is a purrdy Birdie. And a mysterious kinda looking picture of you.

    We tagged you for the Tigmut'hep meme.

  4. Oh, that is a pretty bird! We have quite a lot of birds in the garden at the moment but not one that looks like that.

    My mum is off work sick today so we have been enjoying some quality time together. She just has a cold which went to her chest and made her lose her voice while she was shouting at children at school yesterday. Not that she ever shouts at them, you understand. Hee hee.

  5. Great shot of that woodpecker, Derby! I get some of those at my feeder, too. I love love love to watch birdies!

    That picture of you looks very mysterious. Happy Friday!

  6. Fridays are good :) Hope yoo and yore Mommy haf fun! Sorry I didn't update bout Mommy ML furry fast. My Mommy hadta go outta town again to help her furriend wif the fire, and it's maded us slow wif bloggin. :/
    Purrrrrrrrrrs! Hope yoo get lotsa treets!

  7. Oh my goodness - owr Woody bisited yur yard alla way from Connectacat?!
    Yoo Hoo!
    Hey Derbs, Owr beans is finally goin to Whiskconsin on baycashun in da summer. Fanks fur tellin us about Charlotte. It's good dat she came home.

  8. What a pretty bird.

    jans funny farm

  9. Wow Derby what a beautiful bird-did you get to look at it for a long time?? We'd love to join the ginger cats-but we have a stubborn Russian amongst us as well.....

    Thanks for visiting!

    Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton

  10. Hi Derby! Thanks for visiting us. Those are some beautiful pictures of both you and the birdie. We loves birdies! And chicken too!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  11. What a neat bird visitor! We have a pair of woodpeckers but they stay in the front yard and peck on our trees. Sometimes I can see them if they're low enough and I crane my neck just right.

    Happy weekend!

  12. great pic of lunch...I mean the bird!

  13. I would like to eat that bird!


    Skittles, The Huntress

  14. Mom says with 2 28 oz cans of tomatoes, the soup should make 6 - 8 servings. Serving size doesn't mean anything around here because Mr Karate can eat two or three servings on his own.

    Nice spot to watch the birds!

  15. I really liked the first photo of ya, nice shadow. On tv they talk about the shadow on Project Runway. Also looks like a neat spot to check out the feathered friends.

  16. Cute pictures Derby. We really like that bird, never seen anything like it before.

    Keep warm this weekend.

  17. We're just doing a lot of hanging out here too Derby. Not much action going on.
    Nice birdie picture!

  18. That bird looks delic ... oops ... I mean beautiful. FAZ

  19. That woody visits us too. He eats the peanuts hanging off the tree outside our window. He makes our teeth chatter. You look furry mysterious in the shadows.

  20. Cool picture, Derby! The little bid is very, um, cute!

    P.S. Between the ears is the *second place Mom likes to kiss me, too!

  21. I meant "bird!" My secretary has a new keyboard, and her fingers are going all askew on it!

  22. Cool pic of the woodpecker! Love the ghost cat too.

    We had a great time last night at the party.. hope you did too!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.