
Friday, February 22, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Birdies nearby can cause excitement. Do not jump out of windows, which can cause injury.
This will work for Fevver Friday too. You can't see the type of birdie very well. Mum thinks it looks like a goldfinch. Obviously this picture was taken last summer when it was nice and the windows were open!

It has been a good week. Cold but very little snow which mum is happy about and sunshine too. Plus we could see the eclipse of the moon last night or part of it. Mum had to be on the phone with the other side of the world last night.

My trash pickings are slim from the other day and other times too. Mum doesn't put much in them, like tissues or paper rolls. Otherwise they are pretty slim pickings.

Otherwise, Happy FRIDAY!!!


  1. I *want to jump out the windows when I see birdies, though. Just to say hello! :)

  2. My birds always so far away as well :(
    I really want to have a date with them~!!

  3. We would love to go out chase some birdies too.. but it is snowing AGAIN.....

  4. Birdies! Pepi sez they's tasty. I nefur had one tho. We had sleet n stuff so we didn't get to see the eclipse fooey.

  5. I never jump out of windows because we wives vewy high up and I knows it's dangewous. But...That Thing...doesn't understand at all! So now mine Mummy has to wwap up all the windows with the wire mesh thing. Siwwy Thing he is!

  6. Ah yes, memories of another season... I am so with you.

    Stay warm Derby!

  7. Ooh, it is a birdie Friday! That is cool!

  8. We are longing for the day the windows can be opened again!

  9. I'm sorry that your trash pickings have been less than thrilling, I know how depressing that can be. That fev-ver looks so fun!


  10. We don't usually get into the trash as Mom keeps a cover on it. She's no fun sometimes.

  11. Nearby birdies always cause great excitement!

  12. Our birdie and trash picking have been pretty slim too - how's a kitty supposed to stay entertained?!

  13. There are alot of ducks and quail roaming around my court right now. I think they are in cahoots and are trying to drive me crazy - I run from one window to the next trying to keep my eye on them. They don't know how lucky they are that I am an indoor only kitty.

  14. We haf got lots of birds in our garden and we keep stalking them, just to say hello of course.

  15. I love watching the birdies. They get real close to the window and I get all crazy!

  16. Maybe ya could get the Beins ta put a shrimp in the trash can fer ya to find (as a treat). Found treats are allus great!

  17. Happy weekend to you derby.

    I is not a lap cat either, and only sit on my mum not very often. Now though, she keeps my treats next to her seat and if I sit on her lap she says good girl and gives me a pat, then a couple of treats. It keeps you coming back for more!!

    Poppy Q

  18. We have only had an inch of snow in 65 naps! Momma gits all cited when she sees sumfing getting uncovered, like the edge of the green grasses, but we have a loooong way to go afore we see fowlers.


    Pee Ess: Patches just told me she calls you Smiley Boy. Yup, I agree.

  19. it's frustrating when you can't get to the birds!! (When I get mad at mom, I knock over the trash)

  20. Thanks for trying to vote, Derby ... that site's kind of messed up, I think. That's not even the picture Mom was trying to upload because the other one wouldn't go through!

  21. Not too much longer before it warms up and the windows are open again ;-) Have a great weekend!

  22. Derby, those birdies do look yummy!

    Yup, we had melty today!! And tomorrow too!

    Guess what they are saying for Monday though :(

  23. Nice bird did you get to eat it?


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