
Friday, February 29, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

A leap day and a leaping cat is good omen for continuing success. Happy Leap Day Everyone! That extra day we get this year to be with our families, except mum went to work as usual so no extra time with her today. But it is Friday so that means we will have the weekend together. Most of it mum says. She has another library meeting tomorrow morning. So when do I get this extra day to spend with her?!

But she did get home a little early yesterday. Said she went to a fun work thing and they went curling. Well I curl all the time so what was so special about that.
Oh she says curling is a game where she got to throw big heavy rocks down a sheet of ice. She even managed to score one of her teams points. Woohoo. They just played for fun.

Well the snow we were supposed to get early in the week wasn't much, but more came over night on Thursday to Friday. The official moving picture box weather guy showed a map the other night. It had colors for how much snow has fallen over this winter season. Our area was the bulls-eye. Over 90 inches of snow and that was before this last stuff. Mum says no wonder the snowbanks are so high and her back is tired!

Fevver Friday Some house finches and sparrows feasting on the seed that mum puts out. Mum says this past week with some slightly nice weather they birdies didn't eat quite so much. Not as cold and no snow, guess they don't need to eat quite so much.

An Award

Hotties, more formally The House of (Mostly) Black Cats, gave Virginger and me an award. Wow, we are Toadally Awesome. Thank you very much! Well the Cat Blogosphere as a whole is Toadally Awesome and we just make up a small part of it. I would like to give this to Darling Millie and her mum, for being such a generous twosome. Making all of the quilts, the auctions for those in need, and the quilts Millie's mum makes are awesome.

Oh Yeah, My Gizzy landed and pictures will be posted tomorrow!


  1. That is a great leap for leap day. Congratulations on your award.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  2. That is a neat one you standing so straight at playing~!!
    Very Good~!

    Congratulations on your award!!

  3. Happy Leap Day Derby and Concatulations on your award!

  4. Happy Leap day!!

    We gots birdies just like those at owr feeder. And lots of different ones too. Momma needs to get a birdie book owt to figure owt what we are looking at!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  5. Happy Leap Day! ConCATulations on your Award! An ConCATulations on Winning out 20,000 Post Contest by guessing the right day, Feb 23!! We will get you prize package out to you by the first of the week!! Thanks for playing.
    Your FL furiends,

  6. Oh, you and Latte thought alike today! Dude, I have to tell you, I was searching through my blog in-links yesterday and of course found "man cat". I just wanted to tell you that you're the #1 man cat if you google for Man Cat.


  7. Happy Leap Day.. we will see you at Chey's party. We will make sure there is plenty of ham for all!

    C0ngrats on your award.

  8. Happy Leap Day Derby. I think curling up is a great way to celebrate. The sad thing is is that this is a day that only comes every four years and your human doesn't get to do anything on it!

  9. I think we should spend leap day leaping all around!

  10. Nice leaping Derby! You are so athletic!

  11. Looks like there's going to be a lot of success at your house! Happy Leap Day!

  12. Happy Leap Day, and Happy Friday, and Happy Weekend!

    Congratulations on your award . . . you are indeed toadally awesome! ;)

    That is WAY too much snow. I hope spring comes to visit you soon, Derby!

  13. Happy Leap Day and congratulations on your award!

  14. Happy leap day and you sure are leapin' my friend!!

    Nice birds too, are they tasty?


  15. Congratulations on your award. Very well deserved.

    You got lots of birdies at your feeder! We notice, too, when the weather is really bad, there is much more birdie traffic at the feeder.

  16. Happy Leap Day!!!!! You look great leaping!

  17. Happy Leap day even if it is almost over.

  18. I like your leap, Derby ... Your belly looks similar to mine!


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