
Monday, February 11, 2008

ManCat Monday

"If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." - Mark Twain That is us cats, always the right words. Never put a paw wrong. No faux paw from us

We had lots of sun spots but it was furry cold to be by the windows. Mum and I stayed snuggled all inside on Sunday. We had a little bit more snow but mum did not go outside to move it off the driveway. She said it was way too cold.
Yes, we had more snow and more snow is expected this week. ENOUGH ALREADY! Patches suggested selling the stuff to make money. I doubt we could even give it away, one of the local malls tried, they had no takers.

Mum says the moisture will be good for the plants outside, but she too is tired of dealing with all of the snow. Come on spring, we want to have open windows and be able to be outside without bundling up.


  1. it is so cold here - it's 3 degrees and really windy, the wind chill must be eleventy nine below zero!
    stay warm Derby!

  2. I have been told this cold weather condition will be continue, Oah Dear~~~~

    You are right , we cats are wize!

  3. Global warming? Hah! Stay warm inside Derby and Derby's Mum:)

    BTW, are you English by birth Derby's Mum, coz you spell "Mum" right, lol!?

  4. Oh that is really cold. I think there is warmer weather coming but it might be several days. You are about a week behind us!

  5. Snow? Can I plays with those snow? I've never seen snow before but the Giant Kitty says it's horrid and cold and wet.

  6. Derby, that is a very wonderful photo of you. I hope the weather warms up for you soon.

  7. Oh Derby,

    Doze are nice spots to layz around ins. I wants to tank you fur purrin' fur Delilah. Here iz a message from her:
    Thank you so much for visiting while I was so very ill. Mommy thinks I almost died Friday night, so I am rebounding quickly. Mommy now believes I might be allergic to a wasp sting. It was nice to hear that all the kitties of the blogosphere were purring & praying. It helped me to have heart, and my mommy was so appreciative for all of the love.
    We hope you will join us for Dr Tweety's Valentine's ruise. More details will be posted later.
    Many blessings,

  8. I'm looking forward to when it gets warmer I can sit on the balcony and sniff the air again. We don't get all the snow you are getting but when it's cold outside mom says "the balcony is closed". My mom just wants the skiing to last another month and a half. I say bring on the Spring:)

  9. Stay warm, Derby! I am keeping my paws crossed that Spring comes to visit you soon!

  10. We got lucky here this weekend Derby! The temperature got warm and melted most of the snow in the valley. But we are expecting more bad weather this week.

    Stay warm!

  11. Yep - it's suuuppper cold here too, with more snow on the way.

    We think we're gona have to have words with that Groundhog (or maybe put the bitey on him)!

    Stay Warm!

  12. Oh, I am with you Derby. I have had enough of winter, please hurry up Spring!

  13. Derby, what is a Green Walls shelter? Would they send a Squillion to Canada?

  14. I hope the snow stops for you soon ... we'll send some warm weather up your way.

  15. Well if you're looking to sell it I know some crazy people around here who actually WANT snow. Crazy. The Woman went to New England and in 5 days saw more than enough. We're sorry its still hitting you.


  16. No snow here. Sorry you are getting tired of it. We had a beautiful warm sunny weekend and everyone was walking round with no jackets saying spring had come early. Then this morning there was a frost but then it was sunny again. We haven't had a single flake of snow in London this winter. Must be global warming.

    In answer to your question about Tyrell's Crisps, we have never heard of them. Sorry! By far the best selling brand of crisps in Britain is Walkers. Then its probably the supermarket own brands. And Hula Hoops. Do you have Hula Hoops crisps in Mericky???

  17. I can't sit on the window ledges either because of the cold. But the snow sure looks pretty when it is coming down and I'm all snuggly with mommie.

  18. I was thinkin' that it would be fun to see what snow is like, but mine mombean hates it. Its why she moved to cat-a-forina.

  19. Thanks so much for your concern and your purrs for our Kelly Cat, Derby. He seems to be much better tonight, but we also want to hear from the v*t tomorrow about the test results. I'll post when we do.

    Stay inside and stay warm!

  20. I'm so sorry you are getting more snow....its starting to feel like spring here, I'll teleport you some warm sunshine!


    PS Tamra said yes to Kavan!

  21. We are supposed to have more snow too.

    oh... and what paintings in switzerland?

    thanks for your help today

  22. Couldn't agree with you more, its time the snow goes away and spring flowers bloom! The lady servants says most meezers are excluded from your quote because we tend to complain too much... she should hear herself!

    Purrs, Tamra

  23. We've been very lucky regarding snowfall this year (knock on wood). I don't envy your Mom.

  24. Hi Derby,
    No we don't have Walgreens : ( Would you mind terribly sending me one? How would I go about paying you, do you have pay pal? I have wanted a Squillion for ages!
    If you want to e-mail me my e-mail address is
    kellietheorangecat AT gmail DOTcom

    Thanks so much

  25. I think maybe we cud get Daisy, in Florida, to buy some. Maybe William too, any of the cats in the south. Most of the snow fell off the garage today and broked Momma's clothes line to pieces. Snapped the metal poles right off!!!


  26. It is 80' here kats...loving it in the sun..meow...I sure like the warm weather, no more cold for meesss....but I will think of you while I am out laying on in the patio sun..meow

  27. A lot of kitties are having some really cold weather it seems. I am glad I live in Texas.
    Thanks for visiting me, Derby!

  28. China Cat & I are so ready for Spring now - that's because it is only 18 degrees right now!!! We hope that you stay inside and warm until Spring!!!

    Purrrrrrs, Willow

  29. Mom sez she'll trade yoo our rain for sum snows. I fink she's nutz. hehehe
    Hope it warms up for yoo.
    Sanjee and the Hotties

  30. Wonderful photo. Just be glad that maybe you have the rain cause we have snow, snow, and more snow. Hope you have a happy Valentine's Day tomorrow. Be sure to stop over as I have Valentine's gifts for all.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.