
Monday, February 25, 2008

ManCat Monday

Cats keep their cool, no matter what. Even when they do things like fall or lose their balance, they'll walk away with an attitude that seems to say, 'I meant to do that.' - Michael Jordan

This post is dedicated to
Eric, whose mum laughed at him when he lost his balance getting up off a wall. He meant to do that, so don't laugh at him. A ManCat needs to maintain his dignity.

I entered the
Simply Siamese Spring Contest. Drop by and check it out. I got furry creative with a poem too! To cheer us up mum bought some flowers. I love flowers, they are so tasty so mum has issues with me wanting to get at the flowers. I try every way I can to get them. The tulips to the left are fake! Mum moved them away from this spot later in the day. I managed to knock them over and spill all of the water. Mum did not take any pictures of that as she wanted to get the water up off of the carpet.

Plus it is supposed to snow later on Monday and into Tuesday. We had gone almost a whole week without snow. Enough already with the white stuff.


  1. That's a great entry in the contest! Those flowers indeed look so spring-y!

  2. that's a lovely collection of flowers

  3. Oah Derby,
    You are so cute doing these pose~!!!!
    That is a great entry ~! I am totally agree with Luxor~!


  4. You look like you are having way too much fun with those flowers. I'm sorry the Mom had to put them out of your reach because you dumped them on the floor and spilled the water.

  5. Derby, you are one determined mancat!

  6. Looks like you did a good job with the flowers, Derbs. hehehe Way to go, bud.
    your bud Pepi

  7. We can't be trusted with flowers in this house! Glad you had fun... we are tired of snow too.


  8. Mmmmmm....I like flowers too. My Mum doesn't even try to bring them home anymore. If she gets (or more likely buys them for herself) she keeps them at work. The last time she brought some home she finally had to put them in the fridge so I would stop obsessing over them.

    More snow! You guys sure have had alot of it this year!

    I hope you do well in the contest.

  9. Sounds like something I would do (knock them over). At least they were inspirational and Latte thanks you for entering the contest.


  10. Good job getting to the flowers, Derby!

  11. Be careful Derby! Remember the famous Galilleo (how do you spell that) thermometer incident?

  12. I think I would be swatting at those flowers too!

  13. What beautiful flowers, Derby!

    My mommy can't bring us home any pretty flowers, because the Terrible Twins always try to eat them. Sigh.

  14. Great action shots of you trying to get those blooms. They are so enticing!

    ~Goldie and Shade

  15. Momma luvs those fowlers, especially the blue and purply ones.


  16. I can tell you really wanted those flowers :-D They are so beautiful, I've never seen a mum that color before. Gorgeous!

  17. That's a great entry!

    Oh and Congratulations on winning the Gizzy Quilt!

  18. Winter storm warning for here tonight too. This has been a long, long winter. I was wondering if the different color flowers taste different? If they do what is your favorite color of flower to eat?

  19. Thank you furr being so unnerstanding about me on the concrete blocks. Of course I meant to do it, I was just practising different ways of getting down.You were furry determined to get those flowers weren't you.

  20. Hahahaha. You madez me laugh Derby & I has to say dat goez a long way rights now.
    We lovez you,
    Dr Tweety

  21. Those are pretty flowers! You look great checking them out, Derby!

  22. WOW, great pictures!

    Everyone and everykitty, please go to the above web site and vote for Daisy!!!!!

  23.'s just waiting for you to knock it over if your Mom pwaced those vases there!

  24. Tell your mom that reaching for flowers shouldn't be an issues for her since it is such a good stretching excercise for you and will keep you trim and in shape. Great pictures!

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