
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Farewell Number 4

Someone called mum at work this morning from the Great Salty Lake, wanted to know if she was in mourning. She went "huh?" She hadn't heard the news, she was busy working earning her green papers. Well, no she is not in mourning, some people might be. But this is a big deal around here. The moving picture box has had this on practically all day long. Mum says it is overkill.

Well at least as of now, mum will have to yell at the moving picture box at a new QB for the Packers next season. The old gun slinger is hanging up his jersey. He will be missed for his love and joy at playing the game of football.

Both of these photo's are from and were taken by Tom Lynn.
This one was taken back in January when the Packers played Seattle in the playoffs. Playing in the snow and it seemed they could do nothing wrong that day. Mum said it was one of the fun-est games she ever watched. This picture was taken after the Raider game in 2003 on Monday Night Football. Another fantastic game by our QB, 4 touchdowns, playing with a heavy heart as his dad had died the day before. With him is his wife Deanna who is a furry lovely lady and a breast cancer survior.

So farewell number 4. We will miss you when the football season rolls around, enjoy your future life.

VOTE FOR ME! Simply Spring Siamese Contest

Voting is allowed until Sunday March 9. Winner to be announced later that day.


  1. Derby, you look great in your spring photo. This is such a hard hard vote!

  2. Bye bye number 4. You are cute.

  3. Bye Number 4 - sorry your Mum is sad Derby.

  4. Bye Number 4 . . . it won't be the same without you.

    Your spring contest entry was great, Derby!

  5. Wow, we actually hadn't heard the news until we saw your post. He was such an amazing QB!


  6. My mom says she's tired, too. I wonder why she can't retire?

  7. Derby, my Squillions arrived! Thank you so, so, so much! The Temptations were very yummy too! I am so excited that I now have my very own Squillions! Your thoughtfullness is amazing.

    What a great Spring picture of you Derby. Did you knock over the vase after this picture was taken? That is probably what I would have done!

    I shall go vote for you now.

  8. R.I.P. Mr. Bret.

    Laila and Lilly
    Go Bears!!!

  9. How pretty, Derby.

    We want to thank you for reminding us Chey is a girl. We keep forgetting. But then our forgetter seems to work overtime.



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