
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

For those of you who do not know how they pick the date when Easter falls, mum says it goes as follows.

The first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the first full day of spring. Easter can fall from March 22 through April 25. It is rarely this early in March. It won't be this early again for a furry long time. Easter of 2035 as a matter of fact, I don't think I will be around!

But I looked back to last year when Easter was in April. We again had snow and cold and Easter was nearly two weeks later. Here are my linkies to post last year showing our terrible cold we had last year. April 7 and April 11 It was the middle of April before we got rid of our snow. Actually it was gone in March, then all of a sudden we got cold and snow again.

Here are pictures from Saturday morning of the snow piles and the yard. Mum says the snow piles off the patio are about the same height as they were back in February after the big snow.
I hope this is it for this year. As of now at the official measuring station this is the second snowiest winter season in Milwaukee. Mum says that with the sun being higher in the sky and the longer days helps melt the stuff faster. Even today she said it was getting nice and melty in places. Just harder to tell.

Everyone have a good Easter Day.


  1. Yeah, mommy wasn't too happy about K-State losing, but the other Kansas team won. Just have to see what Creighton does.

    Can you tell mommy has no winter life in Nebraska? haha

  2. I certainly do hope that you don't get any more snow. You have had enough. It's time for the flowers to come up. Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter Derby. We hope you are staying warm with all of that snow you just got.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  4. It snowed here too. We are totally DONE with winter! DONE!
    Hoppy Bunday Derby!


  6. I'm in the Twin Cities, so I feel your snow-related pain! It has snowed every day for the last 4 days now and while my dog is loving it, I am ready for spring! I took my old cat out onto my deck and set her down in the snow to see what she thought. She wasn't amused ("Are you people nuts?"). But at least she got some fresh air for about 30 seconds.

    Derby is a great name, and I love his coat!

  7. Oh my, Derby. We got a dusting of snow this morning and the woman was all like..."I can't take it anymore!!!" but I'm going to show her YOUR photos and maybe she'll calm down a bit when she realizes that it could be worse.

    Happy Easter and I hope the snow melts soon and I hope you have many days of warm sunshine ahead.

  8. Happy Easter, Derby and Mum. We hopes the Easter bunny brings yoo some warm weather!
    Alla Us Hotties

  9. Yowza! That's some serious snow.

    Happy Easter!
    Teleport over for some ham at 5 PDT (an' you can thaw out in our nice warm weather. It's furry lovely today in San Diego).


  10. No white stuff here, but lots of rain. Sigh!

    Wishing you a wonderful Easter! Buona Pasqua friend!
    Opus and Roscoe

  11. But wasn't the snowiest winter like in 1875? Which means it's the snowiest in human memory! :). Stay warm Derby.

  12. Happy Easter Derby and fambly! Dat snow akshully looks furry pretty.

  13. Wow! You got more snow than we do! Ours is melting, but it's not all gone yet! When, when will all this snow be GONE?

  14. You guys must be sick of all that snow. I hope it melts away soon and spring arrives for you.

  15. Happy Easter Derby.


    Do you know where Simonis and Frontenac is?

  16. Happy Easter to you and you mum! Glad you don't have that snow now.

  17. Hoppy Easter! We did west up really good too. As a matters of fact I missed the ham cuz of my nap.

  18. Happy happy Easter my friend!

  19. Holy moley Derby! The snow has to go away for you really soon! We had some snow flakes today, but not the sticky kind like you had! Hope you had a Happy Easter!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  20. wow! well, our team losted yesterday so we are out of it again. poo.

    Happy Easter Derby!

  21. Hi Derby, we hope you had a Happy Easter in spite of the SNOW!

    Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

  22. mew mew Happy Easter Derby! brrr those snow pictures are purty but look so cold. Stay warm and keep your mummy nice and warm too! My Mummy calls me her own personal space heater! MEW!!!

  23. Happy Easter Derby! That is a lot of snow, oh my!

  24. Happy Easter to you, that was interesting fact on Easter. You got the snow that we were to get on Friday. Lucky for us it didn't come down in our area but stayed to the north of us. The mom and dad of the house were really happy not to have to plow out again. We also have had record snowfall this year. Enough is enough, I hope no more.

  25. Yike! All that snow. Wow, it is beautiful in pictures, though.

    Happy Easter--and now, I don't think I will be around in 2035 either. But that was good information about when Easter comes.

    The Easter bunny visted me and Mike. We got baskets filled with treats.

    Easter Hugs...G

  26. Oh poor you and Mum, that snow looks very cold. There's been (and still is) lots of snow here in the Yoo Kay too but not where I live (so far anyway) thank goodness. That was really interesting information on how Easter is calculated. Makes it so much easier to understand than all those incomprehensible mathematical formulae! Stay cool. No, I mean WARM!!! :) xxx

  27. Willow and I hope that you had a Happy Easter Day! We had some snowflakes here but nothing like your snow!

    Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat

  28. Hey! You've got a frozen sea-gull bird in your driveway!

    That's a boatload of snow! We hope it melts soon for you guys.

    Belated Happy Easter to you and your Mum.

    Luf, Us


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.