
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Purrs Needed

Mum has been gone soooo much the past few days. Yesterday she went to work but didn't home home until way after dark time. Then today she went to work but came home early, worked for a while then called Grampie and left.

So here is why we need purrs. Grampie is not feeling well. Mum took him to the ER yesterday, they did all sorts of test, found nothing and sent him home. Which meant mum came home after midnight. Today mum is home earlier but they decided to keep Grampie in the bean healing place.

So what's wrong? Mum says nothing that couldn't be fixed if he could let out a few good poots! Mum says his belly is like a big balloon and it is painful for him. Mum says she's gotta get some sleeps tonight.

Thanks for purring for Grampie everyone!


  1. We're sending even more purrs and nose bumps.

  2. Purrs and purrayers are on the way. God bless.

  3. I am purring and purring to your grandpie~ Sounds no fun, there must be some reason cause that :(
    Hoping your grandpie will be find the reason and recover soon, and hoping your mommy could find sometime to get rest!!

  4. Purrs for your grampie and for your mommy. I hope all is well and she gets some rest.

    Poppy Q

  5. Derby,
    I yam gettin' da purrin' brigade togedder here & we will purr all night fur your grampa.
    Love, Dr T
    PS: Howza bouts some prune pie??

  6. we are sending purrs and purrayers our way for Grampie.
    Hope he will feel better real soon!

  7. Tha Sherwood Bunch will be purring fur yours Grandpa to feel better an for your mommie to get some rest.
    Purrs, KC

  8. We are purring for your grandpa. Not being able to poot is not fun.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  9. DErby

    We'll send out purrs, headbumpies and nosekisses....

    Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie

  10. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to your home!!! Hope your Grampie gets well soon!

  11. Purrs to everyone. Hopefully it will able to be taken care of quickly and everyone will head back home.

    Stay warm.

    ~Goldie and Shade

  12. Ow! We are purring that Grampie feels better soon.

  13. We'll purr for your Grampie! And for your mom to get some much needed rest!


  14. purrs and more purrs Derby. I hope that everything comes out in the end... :) so that everyone feels better.

  15. He needs a cat to walk across his tummy and do a little kneading. You might be a big help to Grampie in that respect Derby!!
    We are keeping him in mind and here's hoping he feels better soon!

  16. Derby, I will purray that your Grandpa will get better very soon.

    Derby, curl up with your Mum and help her get some sleep.

  17. oh derby, i will be purrin fer yooos.

    Yoo go tells him- make some good poots. It will help yoos.

  18. Derby, I am purring and purring for your grampie!

  19. Gosh, Derby, I sure hope Grampie feels better! And I sure hope he doesn't have a kangaroo in him or something!

  20. Sending healing purrs and prayers.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. We are purring for you and your Gramdpie. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

  23. Oh dear! Purrs, Purrayers aplenty on the way. Hope your grampie feels better soon and your mon gets some rest.

  24. Oh dear, perhaps Gwampie needs some of mine waxagel which mine Mummy makes me take when I get all stuck up inside with hairballs!
    Sending wots of purrs on the way. I'm whapping That Thing on the head to make him purr for you guys too.

  25. Purrs for your grampie. We hope he gets well soon.

  26. we is purring hard for your grampie Derby!! we hope he is better tonight

  27. Sending good kitty mojo grampie's way. Hope he feels better soon.

  28. How is your Grampie doing? I will send some PURRS his way!!
    Purrs Mickey

  29. Well, I never thught I'd wish for massive farting, but I hope your Grandpie can toot out some ferocious ones that make the nurse's eyes water mightily.

  30. Dear Handsome Derby,
    We will purr for your Grampie. I hope he will feel better soon!

  31. We purrs for grampie and your mommy.

  32. Sending many purrayers for your Grampie!!!

  33. Sending lots and lots of purrrs to your grampie, seems alot of humans are staying at the V-E-T and having that syndrome of staying late at work ...

  34. We is sending lots of purrs and nose nuzzles.

    Maybe he shud eat sum pumpkin, it helps Mittens with the poots, sometimes.


  35. Oh, I am sorry to hear about your grandpa. Please add some loud purrs from me, hope he is feeling better soon!

  36. Belated purrs about dear grampie. I hope that he is much much better by now.

    Love and purrs,


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.