
Monday, March 10, 2008

ManCat Monday

Cats are designated friends. - Norman Corwin Yep, me and mum are furiends. I am sitting next to her while she looks are her newsy paper. Waiting for her to give me a few treats! But like all furiends, we need our space. So sometimes I will be in one room and she will be in a different one! Sometimes we snuggle.

I didn't get the call to go stork hunting from
Ramses, he was too busy kitten gazing, but Isis did have her kittens over the weekend. Mom and babies are all doing well so far.

I didn't win the Big Gizzy Quilt, bummer. But hey it was for a good cause for Project HAM. Concatulations to Mary Kay M on winning and thanks to all who entered to help out our Meezer furiends and Bill the GingerSnap too.

Simply Spring contest. I made the top 10 in the Simply Spring Contest, which, with all of the entries made me furry happy, thank you for your votes to get me into the top ten.

Then the judges gotted involved and picked me for third place after
Baby Mao and Dorydoo. Thankfully one of the judges appreciates the long snowy winter we have been having and related to my plight of white this winter.

Mum finally threw the flowers out yesterday. I knocked them over twice yesterday and they were beginning to fall apart.
Mum will not be buying any more fresh flowers anytime soon. Bummer for me! Guess I will just have to knock the fake ones on the floor instead. Bye flowers, it was fun to have you around for a few weeks. The official talky box weather guy said tonight that we have had 84 out of 100 days since December 1 with one or more inches of snow on the ground. This is the forth snowiest winter on record around here.

The past few storms have missed us, thankfully, but some of our furiends on Ohio and other places got lots of snow, so they know what I have been dealing with for the past few months. It is supposed to be a bit melty here this week. Yay, some of this white stuff will go away.


  1. Derby,
    You are very very kind and great to help Meezers, they will be grateful for you always~!!!!!
    You are a very very good friend to your mommy for sure~~~I am so glad for you and your mom!


  2. Congrats Derby on doing so very well!

  3. You've had a lot of snow. My mom bean has been getting fresh flowers a lot lately, but I don't knock them over. I do like to smell them.

    Congratualtions on coming in third. That's a good thing.


  4. Derby,

    Da momee here tinks you are a sweetie. She lovez how you looks at your momee wit such adorin' eyezez.
    I tink you are a furry good man cat to knox oevfur doze flowerz.

  5. Congratulations! Too bad about the flowers though.

  6. Melty would be great here as well. Here's hoping that before long your Mommy can pick some fresh flowers out of a garden!

  7. Derby, I love the photo of you at the top, you look so cute. Plus what is with the weather, you're getting snow and it is so windy here that the waves are crashing over the barrier on to the main street and it's unsafe to drive down. All very scary. FAZ

  8. Hope you get some meltyness this week Derbs. You did good in the contests. Too bad about the big Gizzy quilt and the flowers though.
    your bud Pepi

  9. Hi Derby!

    You're such a handsome boy. Good job on knocking the flowers over. Pumpy does that too AND he eats them.

    I hope spring comes to you soon. We used to live in NY and so we understand about snowy winters!

    Now we live in England where it's just kind of wet and rainy a lot.

  10. Congrats on doing so well with the contest, great job! We have also had a record for amount of snow fall this winter. Enough is enough, I am wondering when we will see the sunshine again, it has been far to long. At least the last snow storm that was going to get us missed us but slammed into Ohio. Sorry Buckeyes.

  11. I'm with you on space, but being friends too. I think mommy sometimes needs space when I poke her in the face at night...then I think, nah, she likes it.

    I'm sorry it is so cold and snowy where you are too. I wish Spring with its open windows and nice bird smells will come for both of us soon!

  12. Meowm says you are giving your Mom "lovey eyes". She likes it when I do this to her!

  13. Congratulations on winning third prize!

  14. Mom learned her lesson about fresh flowers, too. We just won't leave them alone!

  15. Congratulations, Derby! You had a wonderful entry. Those were beautiful flowers. I know you are going to miss them.

  16. Will this winter never end?!

  17. We can tell you & mum love each other very much.

  18. That first picture of you is very sweet!

  19. Congrats on the contest. I hope that snow leaves you alone from now on.

  20. That's a very handsome shot of you, Derby. I hope you at least got a bite or two out of the flowers before they left--flowers are a delectable treat!

  21. You gets fwowers to pway with! I wish I do too, but mine Mummy says I'll eat them up as soon as they come into the house, so it's no go.

  22. Congratulations on your 3rd place win. We are sorry you aren't going to be having any more flowers for a while. Hopefully spring will come soon, and you will be able to have lots of flowers to look thru the window at.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  23. What a great picture of you!

    Congratulations on your third place win!!!

  24. we is sorry you didn't win the quilt Derby, but fank you for buying a ticket!! we 'preciate it!

    concats on your top 10 finish in the spring contest!

  25. Well, at least ya got in the Top Ten fer the Spring contest. That's pretty good!

    Hope the snow goes away...


  26. Derby, you and your Mum did great in helping out the Meezers when they needed help the most. Good Karma should come your way someday. Good going with the Simply Spring contest -- I hope it does turn springlike soon in Whisconsin!


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