
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stork Hunting Squad

I am joining Ramses and other kitties to catch the stork or storks when Isis has her little kitties sometime in the next few days. I am ready to teleport at a moments notice to help the gang catch these big fevvers.

VOTE FOR ME! Simply Spring Siamese Contest

Voting is allowed through today, Saturday March 8. To vote, click on the link above to the Simply Spring Siamese Contest. Leave your vote in the comments. They are deleting comments so you don't know who has voted for whom or how many votes anyone has. Winner to be announced on Sunday. Tomorrow Darling Millie's mum will announce the winner of the big Gizzy Quilt auction for Project HAM. You still have time to buy your tickets to the auction. I've got my tickets purchased, I have crossed paws that I win.


  1. Oh Derby, we have more paws, and they are all crossed too!

  2. I hope that crossing your paws works for you Derby!

  3. We Ballicai are crossin paws fur you too, Derby!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  4. Good luck, Derby! My paws are crossed, and my whiskers are crossed, too, for good measure! *smile*

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

  5. Hi Derby. I'm anxiously awaiting the contest results too. I love the birdie pics. No white stuff falls in San Francisco, so I have to learn about it from the other cats. I do like the part where the birds sit on the trees while the white stuff falls.

    Purrs, Halloween

  6. I can't wait to see who wins the Spring contest - best wishes, Derby!

  7. hello friend! i crossin paws too. What is this stork watch? i'ma confuseded.

    I dooo not understands. Are we gonna eat some birds?

  8. Derby, we have all our paws crossed for you!

  9. Best of luck in the Spring contest and at catchin a stork, too!

  10. I love the photo of your crossed paws!!

  11. Derby you won 3rd place in the Spring Contest!!!


  12. It is too bad that the stork squad didn't work out. Dang it, I had really practiced but Miss Peach had me worried. It is a good thing Ramses was distracted as I don't know what I would have done. We need to get hunting non-baby-carrying fowl.



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.