
Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Finally our snow is gone. First is a picture of this morning, then what mum saw when she got home tonight. Just a messy bit of wet bird seeds, it was getting dark so the picture is furry dark too.
Also gone are the little white people on the top of the moving picture box. They go away when the white stuff outside goes away. Now my lizard has the top of the box to himself.
For a recap of all of the snows we got this past winter you can go to the following two spots. This first report shows the snow we got on March 21. We are just to the left and below the top 16 inch spot. From the second diagram you can see from this how much snow we got this winter. We are easily in the 110-120 inch color. They also include a map of what is "normal" for the winter, we are in the 40-50 inch range.

Then what also is gone is a birdie. Mum found fevvers clumped about near a feeder, so Mr Hawk must have been by for a snack today.
Here is a picture of mum's office. She took her camera into the office so that she can show Grampie the place she works in. Do you see my picture here? Yep that is me sitting on top of her computer thingy.


  1. KC said...
    I bets you won't miss that snow, huh? you's got a lot of it this year.
    your mommy has such a pretty, neat office. an i sees yours pickshure up there, too.
    Purrs, KC

  2. Your mom has a very tidy office. Mine human's desk would not look that nice--except on the day she left maybe.

  3. I am so glad your snow is gone~!!!!
    And I think your mommy's office desk looks clean, Michico's office desk is very mess!!

  4. Lots of fun info today. Since yoo gots all dat snow dis past winter den you should haf a wonderful Summer! Right? Yur Mums desk is nice an clean and it is so right dat you has a position of prom-o-nence on her computer. Mom can't take pictures at her werk coz of seecureitty.

  5. Wow, what a neat desk. That looks just like Mom's, NOT.

  6. We are so happy to see all that snow is gone. Ours is slowly leaving but seems to be filling up our crawlspace. Figures...

    I spotted a hawk too, sitting on top of one of the pines. We fight over the mice. Makes the PM nervous though, having one so close.

  7. Your mom has a nice office, and very organized, too!

  8. Uh-oh.....only birdie feathers....

    Hopefully you won't get more snow now.....maybe just a little rain.

    To answer your question.....the lick in question appeared to happen on my front....on my head.

  9. That is very good news all the snow on the ground is finally gone! I hope your Mum is enjoying her new job. I think she needs a bigger photo of you in her workspace.

  10. We saw a hawk in our yard yesterday. He had a black grackle or something similar in his talons as he lifted off.
    When mom had her cubicle she says she kept it messy, that way it always looked like she was busy! Yeah, she's a slacker!

  11. Yay for getting rid of the snow.
    Did your mom clean up her desk before she took the picture??? Momma's desk is sooooo messy. hee hee


  12. We see your pikchur. We see one of anuvver kitty behind the chair too. We're glad your snow has gone at last, but we're more glad we don't get that much.
    We haf tagged you furr the book meme.Details on our blog.

  13. That is WAY too much of the white stuff, Derby. I'm glad it is finally gone!

    My mommy says her desk is SO much messier than your mommies. (Plus a lot of it is covered with Happy Meal Toys. She refuses to grow up.)

  14. wow, that's lots of snow Derby! that's what our town usually gets in a winter!

    your mom's office is purrty!

  15. Your mom has a nice office, very neat desk. All she needs is you to keep her company while she works.

    Glad your snow is gone.

  16. That was a lot of snow Derby! We're glad it's all gone for you! It's nice that your Mum has your picture at work - ours does too (well our pictures anyway)!

  17. You guys got some serious snow this year! I thought you'd never melt out!
    That's pretty great that your mom has a picture of you to look at while she works..I'll be you're a terrible distraction..she could hardly keep her eyes off you!

  18. We agree Derby, that everyone in SE Whisk-onsin is glad to see this winter end!

  19. It seems like you guys had alot of snow this winter. We were lucky and didn't have much at all.

    Your Mummy's office looks very nice, I hope she is enjoying her new job.

  20. Wow, no more snow.
    I love your lizard.

    And you're mom's office looks pretty cool, too.

    I came by to tell you that I've tagged you for a meme, please stop by and see what it is.


  21. We are glad your snow is gone. The lizard is very pretty on top of your TV.

    Our Daddy is home, so we are very happy, he is GONE from Wisconsin. We do wish it would stop raining though. ~Scylla, Charybids & Socks


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.