
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Derby Day

Stop on over, we will raid the treat cupboard, big cold box for the ham and just party, watch the horsies run and run and run! It is my day, Derby Day. My real Gotcha Day is May 7 but I have to party the day away. I just gotta.
So the horsies will be running for roses. I wonder if they get to eat them if they win?
I made mum let me take the quiz again. I got a much better result! I am a Tiger!!!!! Yeah, this is much better!
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Tiger Woods! Find out at
Calm and cool on the outside, feisty and determined on the inside, Derby is everyman athlete Tiger Woods!

Derby proved at an early age that he had the skills to pay the bills, running circles around the competition when he was just a wee whippersnapper. Thanks to his tremendous successes, Derby has set aside an entire wing of his luxurious shelter just to house his collection of trophies and ribbons. A high-class pet with exquisite taste, Derby prefers to be seen with long-legged female mates, preferably those bred from Scandinavian lines. Unwilling to rest on his haunches, Derby has no time to hang out at the 19th hole and pet himself on the back—he's got a lot more green grass to frolic across before throwing in the towel.


  1. fjHappy Derby Day! Wow... it's that time of the year again. Pretty soon it will be ladies day at the Royal Ascot.

  2. I hope the horses get to eat the roses..what else are they for, if you're a horse? Yeah, I thought you were more of a "Tiger" type...Bring on the Ham..where's Sammy and Miles? They gotta get in on this, too!

  3. Happy Derby Day!!!! You make headlines across the country you know!!
    Yes, we'll come over & hang out!

  4. Happy Derby Day!! Mom says we can come over and help you celebrate!!


  6. Happy Derby Day Derby!
    I'll come over and we can eat the HAM!!!!

  7. Happy Derby Gotcha Day, Derby from The Fluffy Tribe

  8. Hey, Derby! Today's your day! We're watchin fur the horsies to run, but so far it's just beans who think they's impawtant chatterin. Haf a grate day!

  9. Happy Derby Day, Derby. We hopes you is having lots of fun!

  10. Hoppy Derby Day from all of us here!

  11. Happy Derby Day my sweetheart cat!

  12. Happy Derby Day...did yoo see da sad news. Dat poor horsie.

  13. Happy Derby Day!! For you, my furriend, I hope it's Happy Derby Day efurryday!

    HAM, Yummyyyyyyy!!!!

  14. We hope you had an excellent Derby Day, Derby!!

  15. Happy Derby's Day!!!! (yep, Derby's day!!!)

  16. Derby, it's Sunday now. So I guess you know the horrible news from the Kentucky Derby. From now on, I will refuse to associate you with that horse race. I hope it was a good day for you anyway.

  17. I hope that you had a good Derby Day, Derby!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat


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