
Friday, May 9, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Gather those who love you around you in truth and in spirit. You will never be alone.
Here are Virginger and I with some of our little squillions and this was before we added to the gang!

I got a surprise on my Gotcha Day. Mum took me to the vet for my rooster shots! That was not the way I wanted to spend my day, that is for sure, even if it was only for a short part of the day. If I had only known I could have tried this on mum's metal monster. Oh wait, I don't have claws, maybe I would need to use my teeth. But the VET said I was good to go for another year or another 3,000 teleports, which ever comes first.

The Who: CCSI III: Missing Mummy Caper
What: Mystery
Where: Sassy Kat:
When: May 10 & 11

You can check out the premier of the newest CCSI episode The Missing Mummy Caper. Well my mum is right here, so she isn't the missing mum!

I worked furry hard and Sassy appreciated all of our hard works, so send along this wonderful basket of goodies. Now I can relax and nip out for a while. Hope you enjoy the show.
Karl says he has photos of some hanky panky on the set. Well Karl and just go ahead and publish them. A ManCat has to let his furs down at some point!

Happy Weekend everyone.


  1. It does not seem fair that you had to go to the vet on your Gotcha Day. How rude! Sigh. I am so looking forward to the premier. I hope none of the photos will hurt your reputation for being my VP.

  2. Nice of all your friends to gather together to see your performance! And how generous of you to let that big stuffed guy take over your bed.

    I see you have a Bast statue. Mom got one sort of like that at the Egyptian exhibit at the museum last year.

  3. Haha about the cat and the tire! Great idea, that!

  4. Those are some lovely squillions.

  5. Wow - what a horrible gotcha day gift - a trip to the vet. That is not fun at all. We hope you were properly spoiled when you got home. We can't wait to see what happens in CCSI III.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  6. Oh dear! Sending you off to the vet on your gotcha day? That's not nice!

  7. That wuzn't a furry nice purrezunt to pack you off to the V E T furr your Gotcha Day wuz it.
    We hope the rest of your day wuz good though.

  8. Hey Derby!
    Please tell your momma "Happy Mothers' Day" from us, okay?


    PeeSss: Nice Squillions, dood!

  9. Derby - you were fabulous! What a performance, we are in awe! Congratulations and welcome to the CCSI family, you are truly a very valuable addition the the wonderful CCSI cast!!!!

  10. Hi Derby! Happy Belated Gotcha Day! and Happy Mother's Day to your mum. I hope you gave her extra snuggles.

  11. I'm sorry that you had to go to the vet on your Gotcha Day but glad that you don't have to go back for another year! Health is so very important!

    Also, I hope that your mum had a very Happy Mother's Day!

    Purrrrrrs, China Cat


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