
Monday, June 16, 2008

ManCat Monday

Let the sun shine where I lay
Keep me young so I may play
And most of all, bless the people I adore,

And guard me from the dog next door.

Lisa Malone
Yep that is a good purrayer for all of us!

Mum was busy this past weekend. She raced around the house all Saturday morning doing stuff, like playing with the sucking monster, washing the laundry etc. Look at all my furs she picked up with the sucking monster.
Doing all sorts of stuff outside too. With all of the rain we had she had to clean out the birdie feeders. The seeds had started to sprout! So she dumped all of that stuff out and let the feeders dry in the sun. Then put them back with fresh seed for our little birdie furends.

She worked on the weeds in the garden too, says they grew furry fast this past week. She took some pictures of the plants, and then put some very tiny plants in this big pot. Do you see what that is, yes my furiends that is catnip. Mum planted some of my very own nip! Grow big little plants.
Then she went out and grilled her chickhen outside at lunch time, then she ate it outside too. I didn't get any!

But then mum got out my porch and took me outside! What fun! I got to visit with Virginger and PHE, who are guarding the catnip plants. We saw a hummer come to the feeder near us to feed, birdies and squirrels coming in and out of the yard.
Alert, a dove just landed! I gotta wait and see if it comes closer. Even outside I gotta keep my nice white paws clean. I could do that when I wasn't on alert for birdies.
Plus we were just sitting outside so nicely, sunny, warm not humid. Mum little weather radio starts going off! We had more bad storms coming! Thankfully they were brief and didn't leave much wet stuff, but really, we don't need any more wet stuff from the sky.

I took off and went to Gree & Othello's wedding shower in San Francisco. We had a good time in the City by the Bay. I even won a shower game, guessing three of Gree's favorite things. But with our wrong funny answers we came up with a new drink, Blue Tuna Gizzy - blue coolaid, tuna juice and champagne! You can even freeze it and eat it with a spoon. I think for short we will just call it a BT Gizzy.

After I got home there was a report on the news that two cable cars hit each other. Hmmm, Victor was being crazy driving a cable car, I hope it wasn't him. At least they did NOT report cats running away from the scene.

Sunday mum took Grampie out to eat for Father's Day, then they came home and messed about in the back yard for a bit. Mum got all dirty as usual. Hope everyone had a wonderful Dad's Day to all to whom it applies.


  1. Oh what a good prayer! I really like it lots!!! I will say it everyday now!

  2. That is very nice. But are you in a time machine, Derby? You're not going away until then, are you?

  3. You had quite a busy weekend. You look like you were enjoying your visit outside!

    Purrs, Goldie and Shade

  4. What a busy weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  5. You're so cute out in your little cabana Derby!

  6. I think I should say that prayer every day, too!

  7. That sounds like a great day, Derby!
    I think that prayer is lovely.

  8. I like that kitty prayer.

    You had such a great weekend (except for the sucky machine) and got to see lots of stuff. I'm sorry you didn't get to have chicken...or dove.

    I hope your nip plants grow as big as mine.

  9. I really like that prayer!

    You look very cute outside in your porch, it looks like alot of fun.

  10. You're so lucky that you get to go outside. There's so much to look at in that sweet garden of yours.

  11. Ooooo I 'm gonna have my mommy get me a porch! That looks like fun!


  12. It must be da season for all dem furs to come off.
    We reely like dat prayer. It's one we should all haf in owr house. Speshully us dat has DAWGs next door.

  13. Your Mum actually removed your fur deposits from your house? Oh, I hate it when my mommy does dat!

    It looks like you guys had a really nice Father's day! Yay!

  14. WOWY - that is a cool outdoor condo you gots there! Our Mommakitty gotted a new sucking monster too!

  15. Derby,

    You IZ havfun a bizzy time!!! I tink your momee & mine might be reelated. Dey iz alwayz bizzy, bizzy, bizzy.

  16. I just wanted to let you know that I loved that poem/prayer. It was very sweet of you to share.

  17. Bless your mom's rug sucking heart. She really WORKED hard! We hope you gave her a proper reward - lots of attention.

    purrs and tail wags

  18. Derby, I just love your enclosure! And that purrayer is very nice!


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