
Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Mum went to work today ant this is how it looked in front of our house.
When mum came home it looked like this. I told her these guys came with big stuff and truck and took away the place where the metal monster has to drive. They stole the driveway!
Mum says that is OK, she is paying somebody to do this. What? You had to pay someone to take this stuff away?

So the metal monster is not in its room tonight it has to sit outside on the street. Mum says there will be more stuff happening tomorrow. Hmmm, gotta wait to see this.


  1. Sounds kinda scary, Derby. I don't even like loud cars near my house! I think you better make sure you're well-hidden behind a curtain or something!

  2. Yeah, you'd better just peek out, Derby!

  3. Oh cool. Yer gettin a new smoothie driveway! The Big Thing is thinking about doing this...

  4. Oah Dear....very interesting, but I also believe it makes lots of noise as well~!
    Must be a rough day for you, too!

  5. I hope you had a good night sleep as this sounds like it will be needing some heavy duty snoopervising.

    Good Luck!

    Goldie and Shade

  6. Wow! We hope they return your driveway, Derby!

  7. Derby I think you better find somewhere to hide tomorrow.

  8. We are glad it is only the driveway that is missing. When we read the title we were afraid you were.

    Our driveway is dirt. Mommy said she would like those men to come visit our house and turn it into something she calls cement. ~Socks, S & C

  9. Theystole the driveway? Eeeek! Yoo better hide today in case they wantsta steel yoo!

  10. It must have been noisy and scary like when the vacuum monster is going around. Hmf, humans, always making things change. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

  11. They took away your driveway? I hope they aren't taking the house next!

  12. Where did the driveway go????

  13. You are a very brave watch cat! I would hide under the bed if I heard loud noises.

  14. Oh wowie! They STOLED your driveway? That seems very wrong.

  15. I think I would be under the bed with the noisy driveway stealing machines around!

  16. I wonder what's going to happen. Hmmm...

  17. Oh Derby! Your heading made me scairt! I thought maybe you were missing and it made my heart go thump, thump, thump at the thought!

    I am glad that it is just your driveway that is missing!

  18. Be careful, Derby! Don't let any monsters get you!

  19. Be careful Derby - we don't want them stealing you too!!!!

  20. They can't come steal our driveway. We don't have one. Jan has to drive over the curb and park on the lawn. Landlords!

    Sounds like you're getting a new driveway.

    purrs and tail wags

  21. they stole your driveway? and your mommy paid them to? beans are weird.
    keep low when your snoopervising and keep us posted.

  22. Crappity Crap Crap Crap. are they gonna bring another one?

  23. Whoaeeeee! What fun. Yoo gets to watch all dat action. Take good notes.


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