
Monday, July 7, 2008

ManCat Monday

When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up. - Rodney Dangerfield

No respect, I get no respect. Well, that isn't really true, but that is what Rodney would have said.
I guess I do get some respect, KellyCat honored me with this award. Arte y Pico, I think that is in a language I don't know, so I really don't know what it means.

This award was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, also for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium.When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to 5 others." What a wonderful way to show some love and appreciation to your fellow bloggers!!!

The rules for passing this honor on:

1) Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to.

2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.

OK so here is my five of the kitties blogs who have inspired me to get started doing my blog.

Max, The Pyschokitty
William of Mass Destruction
Timothy Dickens
The Crew
Sophia the Diva Kitty

I just report on my humble little life on what is happening in my little corner of the world.

I was helpful to mum when she brought the flag inside to put it away at night. I wanted to play on it, but mum said that was disrespectful to play on the flag. So she had me not play or nap on the flag and put it safely away.
Mum cooked outside lots this weekend. The sausages, or bratwurst as mum calls them, on July4. But then Sunday she took some meat out of the freezer to cook.
Now that might not look like much but that is a HUGE piece of roasting beast. How big you ask? Well look how much room it took up on the plate. It is also about 3 inches thick!
Mum cut only some of this off to eat last night, she didn't eat the whole thing! But she did share with me, a few little pieces of the delicious, medium rare, tenderloin.
There I am getting ready to snarf down the piece that mum gave me to start with. Below is her plate of foods. Roast beast, grapes and cauly flowers.
Sorry Sammy, Miles and Billy Meezer, mum did share her nice foods with me. Sorry your beans didn't share with you.

Plus mum did NOT manage to set off the smoke thingy this time. Usually she is good and does not set it off, it was just last week and the wind was just right, and just enough smoke from the outside cooking spot.


  1. Congrats on your award!! So deserved. That piece of meat looks very tempting! I live with "veggies" so I don't get special snacks like that!


  2. Sounds like you had a good 4th. The waterfalls are very pretty, we are glad it's not flooded anymore. Sorry we haven't been able to stop in more often, we caught up on all your post today. We can only dimly remember what 70 felt like, it has been very HOT and HUMID here. ~Socks

  3. that looks like good beast. Mommy ushually takes the left overs and puts it wif salad for lunch the next day

  4. Congratulations on the award and on your taste of that great food!

  5. Congratulations on your award! Your mommy is super nice to share that yumminess with you.

  6. That meat looks very delicious!

  7. Concatulations on your award! It looks like you had a great weekend.

  8. Yum, roast beast...

  9. Concats on your award!
    Now I'm hungry! That dinner looks deeelish!

    Not The Mama

  10. Oooooooo...that is some good looking raost beast!!! I am glad you got some!

  11. Ohhhhh lookit dat beef! :thud:
    Mancat down.

  12. Congrats on the award! That food sure looks yummy!

  13. Mmmmmmm, looks good Derby We're happy you got some!

  14. Glad you could partake in the food fare. It looks yummy!

  15. Congratulations on the award, Derby! And thanks for passing it on to me!

    What I like about our flag is the string. I try to grab it when Mom moves the flag from its secret home to the outside and back in again.

    You look like you had a great 4th and 5th! How nice of your mum to share that delicious-looking beef!

  16. Whoa! That's a hunk of meat!

    Congratulations on your special award! It is very well deserved!

  17. Congratulations on your award. It is well deserved. That piece of beef looks very yummy. We hope you get more tonight or as the week wears on.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  18. Mmm, that was a nice piece of tenderloin you got to eat!

    Congrats on your award!

  19. Congratulations on your award. Don't sell yourself short, you deserve it! I'm jealous of your snack you got ... we didn't get any grilled food this weekend either!

  20. We love your blog and we think your award is well deserved. Congratulations! Yur mom shares some really tasty looking treats wif you.
    We tagged you for an easy and fun meme, you can get details on our blog.

    Mindy & Moe

  21. Well, thanks Derby! We sure do appreciate the award and will think about who to pass it on to.

    My...that piece of roast beast looks good. Is there any left? We didn't get any beast 'cause Mom & Dad were away and didn't cook out.

  22. Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Derby!

    It looks like your mom had a very tasty meal! Glad you guys had a nice 4th, from what it sounds like.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.