
Monday, July 28, 2008

ManCat Monday

If he is comic, it is only because of the incongruity of so demure a look and so wild a heart. - Alan Devoe.
Hope everycat had a good weekend. I had a nice quiet time for the most part. After mum got rid of the invasion of the squillions, she worked to make the place clean. So now I have to work to put my furs back on stuff.
One of the things mum had to do was find stuff to fill the cold box. Look how empty it is! This is not acceptable to have this so empty. I know you don't have my food in here, but if this is empty then you can't share your food with me!

This can't wait until Flower Friday, mum finally got one of her flowers to actually flower!
This is the flower bud not quite ready to open.
But on Sunday morning mum went outside to pick up the paper she could say, "Good morning, Morning Glory".


  1. How pretty!! Momma misses her morning lories that she hadded in Colorado. :-(
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  2. purrty morning glory!!! our mommy needs to clean out the fridgerfrator. why she saves foods when she doesn't eat leftovers is way beyond us

  3. Happy Mancat Monday to you Derby. It looks like your person had a very productive weekend. Now, can she come do that to our fridge? We have given up that our person will ever get around to cleaning it again.

  4. That is a beautiful morning glory!
    Every once in awhile our refrigerator looks all empty too. Hope it gets filled with good people food you like your mum to share with you ;)

  5. Oh, what a blue beauty! That flower made us gasp!

    Have a great week, Derby!

  6. That's a great quote. Good luck refurrifying stuff in the house.

  7. Empty wefwigewators! Get it filled immediatewy!

  8. To your mum: How pretty!

    To you: Looks tasty!

  9. Mom saw your fridge and groaned something about having to clean ours out. She's been so busy painting and that fridge needs some attention! We love your Morning Glory!

  10. That's a lovely flower! Enjoy putting your fur back on everything, Derby. :)

  11. That's a beautiful morning glory! So, did your mom fill up the cold box with some ham? How about some chick-hen? Yum!

  12. Derby, I'm sure you can get your furs back on stuff quickly. You seem very motivated.
    Boni Maroni

  13. That morning glory looks very pretty!

  14. holy bejeezus! that is a lot of squillions!! it is a big effort getting your furs back on stuff, make sure you get enough sleep.

    that flower looks very, i mean pretty, yeah, pretty.

  15. What a beautiful bloom! The PM loves morning glories.


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