
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Awards, Anwers and Get Well

Billy Sweetfeets Gingersnap gave this award to me. I am not sure what it means but, thanks. I will have to think about who to pass it along to.

Goldie wanted to know if I yaked after eating grass - No.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids - that new food I tried, mum found it at our regular grocery store.

Skeeter, KC and Ayla - commented that I looked like a really big kittie, "pleasingly plump" they called me, who liked my foods. Yes I like my foods, but that picture was of my side and my belly. This picture you can see I look a bit sleeker if you only see my side.
Get Well

Aunty Deb from her surgery. Plus any other of our beans that are sick or recovering, get better soonest.


  1. Oh man! Derby, if you're plump, what does that make ME?!

    Max S

  2. Hey, we almost forgot. Congratz on your award. We don't know what "premio dardos" means either, but it must be good.

  3. Aw, Derby, we all know the camera adds 10 pounds. Just ask my mom.

    Oh, and she's all better now, roo, thanks to me. And I told her to leave the bug-eating to Caroline!

  4. Derby, You are the picture of studly! Mom cut our Stinky Goodness in half because she says Gandalf is getting too 'fluffy'. But she cut my Stinky Goodness, too! No fair, Mom! -Grayson

  5. Derby you are definitely not plump! Concatulations on your award!

  6. You are so not plumb Derby!

    We are still purring hard for Auntie Deb!

  7. Dennis thinks Derby is a big very fit cat.

  8. we just realized that Billy nefur posted what the award was - he was just too 'acited. here is the information about the award:

    "With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. " This label implies two rules: the first, link the blog to which he received the award. The second - pick blogs to deliver the prize.


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