
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rolling Kittie Carrier

This big ol' box arrived last week that was addressed to me and I am not sure I like what was inside. I was checking it out and see that it came from Grr, Midnight and Cocoa and company. Mum didn't open it right away but moved it away from the door but put it over by my bungee toy. I could play with my bungee without even jumping. So here is the carrier all unpacked and ready. I am carefully sniffing it and checking it out. Mum opened it up and put me inside. I wasn't too happy about that, first I got picked up, second I had my freedom of movement restricted. Plus for a cat my size, I can't turn around. I tried, but didn't make it. Mum is not sure if it would be better if it were laying flat unless she is actually rolling me around. Mum bid on the carrier to help out Monty's family because of Sprout. She likes it since it rolls she doesn't have the extra weight to carry with a regular carrier. I don't go that many places so it won't get used often. It is not suitable to be used as a stroller on a daily basis.

I guess this is OK, I will willingly go into my other carrier, this one, I don't think so. But it was for a good cause, I will humor mum if she wants to use it.


  1. It might be good for short trips to the VET...

  2. Yes, it would be good for the Vet. The shorter the trip to the Vet, the better!

  3. it would prolly be good for short trips! plus, it will be easier for your mum to get you around on wheels. maybe she could trick it out like a race car

  4. On the plus side it is Packers' green ... Really, I think it would be great for a quick vet trip.

  5. That carrier is a bit of tight fit! I think it's very stylish though and the rolling feature is very nice.

    And Derby, thanks for visiting the Halo blog and posting a nice comment about kitty bloggers!

  6. Well... congratulations on winning, I GUESS. I am quite glad I did not win such a thing...

  7. Oh boy that looks pretty cool!
    Pierro cannot have a metal carrier, he panics in his PTU worse than anycat I have ever known!

    purrrs to you Derbykins

  8. i'm not sure how i'd feel about it, but it kinda looks fun. you'll be able to see all the way around you.

    the color looks great with your furs!

  9. we all agree wif parker! Wud be gud fur vet visits! But iz nicest carrier I'VE effur seen. maaaybee we jus cut off yoo legs? Fits better? mao moa moa jus kiddin!

  10. Looks sort of interesting, you sure can see a lot more than a regular PTU (that might be good or bad :-). Hope it makes trips to the V-E-T a little bettter!

  11. Very cool looking I think!

    I think I would put up with it for a trip to the vet.

    Purrs Goldie

  12. Hmmm, you do seem to be struggling to escape. Do you think that zipper will hold a big Mancat like you?

  13. I wonder if it could be a good farmer's market rollie bag?

  14. Another idea if you really don't like it is to auction it again, and give the money to Sprout's family or one of the other cats in the blogosphere in need.

  15. That looks like a snazzy carrier. But sort of uncomfortable...

  16. I would like it I think because you can see out so much! But I'm pretty tiny so I can fit in small spaces


  17. Hi, Derby! I think you could use that rolling carrier to put all your toys in. Then, you could take all of them with you wherever you go!

  18. I think you should give it a try. It might be kinda fun rollin' to where you need (or don't need) to go.

  19. I see what you mean ... Mom has trouble carrying me in my regular case, though, because I'm heavy - she grunts and groans a lot. ;-)

  20. Yes, you would think that Bill would actually donate wouldn't you?! But noo... just like all those other humans....promises promises...

  21. Hi Derby,
    So nice to meet you!! We love company, so don't be a stranger!!
    Maggie May

  22. Well hope fully, you will nots has to uze dis ting furry often. I tink it might be a kitten size or sumpin'. But you do nots has to go to da V-E-T do you? It waz furry good of yer momee to bidz on dis & helps Monty.


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