
Monday, October 13, 2008

ManCat Monday

A cat can climb down from a tree without the assistance of the fire department or any other agency. The proof is that no one has ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree. - Unknown We had a wonderful weekend here. Warm enough to have the windows wide open. I took advantage of it while mum did some stuff outside. Getting all sorts of sun on my furs and smelling the wonderful air.

Feetsball Report

Packers - WON

Brett the Jet - WON

Colts - WON

So a trifecta for the weekend!

Mum tried to rest up this weekend, did what work she had to, rug sucking monster, washing and all, but otherwise didn't over do it. It was a nice weekend, probably one of our last warm weekends, so we could have the windows open and all.

But she is sniffly, sneezy and coughy a bit too, so she did try to rest. She brought Grampie over after lunch on Sunday. Since it was nice he headed outside to sit on the patio, and I followed right along! I could slip around his legs faster than mum or he could catch me! So I had a few minutes outside in the grass again! Mum got the flashy box and took a few pictures of me. When I got too close to the fence, mum would turn me so I would wander back towards the inside part of the yard.
I chewed a little grass, but didn't yak it back up.
Checked out some other little plants in the pots, just maple trees the squirrels planted.
Then checked out some of the leaves that are falling from our little maple tree in the back. Maybe, just maybe, since I have been pretty good when I have gone outside, mum will let me out out now and then! I sure hope so.

Alasandra and The Cats awarded me this nice "I love your Blog" Award. Thanks. I will have to think who to pass it along to.
Mum did help me so I could enter the Frisky Fall Contest. A donation is made for each entry to help needy kitties. So do something to make an entry, however simple, to help out.


  1. Wow, what a great day ya had outside! Leafs are great fun ta play with, an just being out in good air is wunnerful...

  2. It was a lot like summer this weekend. I think it's the last one!

  3. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. We are glad you got to spend some time outside. ~S,S & C

  4. I'm glad you got to have some open window time. I know it gets a lot chillier up there, so you have to soak those moments in when you can. And some good outside in the leaves time too -- what a great weekend!

  5. You were so lucky to get to go out. It wasn't quite that nice here this weekend. It keep thinking about raining just enough to make it icky out.

  6. (gasp) We can't believe sneaked OUT!!! Good job sniffing your yard, Derby!

    Great fall contest entry, too.

  7. What a fun adventure you had!! I just LOVE your entry for Frisky Fall, its so perfectly fall and kitty and the tasty squirrel is a great accessory.


  8. Future trips to the outside, you may need to get that in writing.

  9. It looks like a lovely weekend - especially your trip outside!

  10. Wow! You had a great weekend! I can tell from the first photo that your outside air must smell excellent :-)

  11. You look like you are really enjoying your garden, Derby! I get to go out like that under supervision, only when my humans are around to keep an eye on me. Plus they know by now that I never go out of my own back garden.

    I sent you a box of stuff on Saturday to say thank you for sending me Greenies, so look out for that in a week or so!

  12. May i go out an play play play wif yoo?!


  13. Oh yeah! Isn't it nice to haf a little time owtside in dis nice warm air an play wif some leaves an stuff? Yoo wuz good so yoo might get to go owt again. I escaped when da collij girl wuz home but den I got to go owt for a couple minutes but I didn't get to sniff around like yoo did.

  14. It's nice today but it got very very cold Sat night. All the way down to 39!

  15. Climb a tree? That sounds fun! We only get to climb sofas and chairs.

    Spice Cats

  16. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend!!! You look great outside exploring!

  17. We are sorry your Mom is sniffy sneezy. We hope she feels better soon. Your Outside Adventure looked like lots of fun, Derby!

  18. Wat a lovely day out! I is needing one too!


  19. You got outside? And you stuck around!!?? We would have run hell bent for leather....

    Concatulations on your awards!!!

  20. wow! that is neat you got to go out safe and sound. do you think you would like a harness? i'm not allowed "out" cause of my FIV so i just enjoy wide open windows when available.

    what did your mommy think of Life on Friday? we thought it was one of the best ever! i like when she watches TV and/or reads. then she sits still.

  21. Looks like you had a great weekend, Derby. It got cold and stormy here, but I got to snuggle so it was all good.

  22. Derby, you have such a beautiful yard to explore - I'm glad you had fun!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to wish me well, friend!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.