
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Awards & Answers

I have been very bad about posting about some awards that I have gotten. I got the butterfly award from Gizmo. I got the "I love your Blog" from Colby, Cheddar and Fancy.Although Fancy was thinking I was a ladycat. If that was true, why have I been posting for ManCat Mondays. I even have my empty hoo-ha sacks. I forgets who gave me this one and mum can't figure it out either. Sorry, it isn't that me, its mum. She is way too busy at work keep up with stuff for me at home some days. I told her she needs to get her act together.
I think these have been around the blogosphere at least once. I know I have gotten a couple of them before. I won't give these to any specific blog, I think we all deserve them.
If I missed anybody else giving me an award, I am sorry. I made mum check back to be sure, I think we got them all.


Siena of Cats with a Garden wanted to know if moon flowers smelled nice. I don't know and neither does mum. She didn't stick her nose in them to check. They are all frozen now, so we can't check anymore this year. Maybe mum will try to grow them again next year.

Scooby, Shaggy & Scout asked about my picture on Oct 24 if it was coincidence that I had a pink ribbon. No it wasn't. Since October was Breast Cancer Awareness month, that is why we posted. Mum got the ribbon in the mail and we have used it to play. She moves it, I pounce on it.

Plus I won, 2nd place in the Simply Siamese
Frisky Fall Contest. The judges like my entry, cool. I won a prize this spring with my flowers. Now I won for my gingerness! My prizes arrived the other day. I got a neat purr pad and a little nip fish. Thank you to the organizers, Kaze, Latte and Chase plus The Meezers, Sammy and Miles.

Oh yeah, nip, really good nip in a small package. Don't you try to take this away from me, mum.

Mum spent the morning starting to clean up the plants from the garden and hauled them away. She took the snow eating machine in for its checkup too, we may need it soon, hopefully not too soon. Plus she gotted her flu shot today too, so she hopefully won't get sick with that this winter. After lunch, she took a nice long shower, and then a nap. Then she read her book.

Happy Weekend. Don't forget to vote next week if you already have not voted by early or absentee ballot for the Mericky president. I even found an election widget that is now in my side bar. You can download one of your own if you want. Just clicky on the thing where is says download.
I'm Derby and I approved this message.


  1. Derby, your Ginger World picture is beautiful! And congrats on the great prizes you got, especially the nip fish, we all need a little nip ... hee hee! Our Momma has been the same way about awards, she has just been too scatterbrained to remember things lately, but that's how our Mom's are sometimes! Sighs!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  2. Congratulations on all your awards! We do not think our moon flowers smell, but they are still pretty!

  3. Wow look at all those awards Derby - well deserved my furrend. FAZ

  4. Congratulations on your awards! That was a wonderful catch-up post - I wish our maid would help us do one of those too.....

  5. Congrats on yer awardzez Derby!!!! We likes doze beootyfull pix too. We sure haz missed you dis summer,
    Love Dr Tweety

  6. Congratulations on your awards, Derby! Hopefully things will calm down soon.

  7. You have one more award to go, Derby -- the key to the White House on Tuesday!

  8. We're so glad you like the nip! I saw it on their site and hadn't tested it yet so I'm glad to hear you're the first official tester and it passes!


  9. Hey Derby, we've been away for a few days and are just catching up. If I want a "sink drink" I just get it from the faucet.

    Congratz on so many new awards!

    Max S


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