
Friday, December 12, 2008

Farewell Friday

It has been a sad week. Three our our furiends have gone ahead to The Bridge, you will be missed but live on in our hearts.

I think I will just go hide for a bit under the sheet and remember my furiends. Mum I need a few moments here, OK? Thanks.
Mum says it is supposed to warm up some this weekend. That might shrink a few of our snow piles. The ones at the end of the driveway are about 4 feet high. Mum will be happy if they are shorter, it is hard to toss snow up that high!

Have a good weekend and go snuggle with your beans.


  1. Have a restful weekend Derby. We love you!

  2. Derby, you look very cozy under the covers. Have a great weekend!
    ~The Creek Cats~

  3. Derby, under the covers is a good place to be in winter. We hope it does warm up for you and the snow piles get much smaller -- no ice, though!

    We miss your friends too.

  4. Yes, our group has suffered too many losses this year. Your idea for everycat to snuggle in with their family is a great one and we'll definitely do that tonight!

    The Crew

  5. It was a sad day Derby. Maybe I will come visit you. It's supposed to be cold and snowy here this weekend (we are getting down with a high below freezing (I think 30)... he he he... yes that's really bitter cold here!)

  6. Yes, it was very sad to lose our beloved furriends.

    You guys have a lot of snow already! This is highly unusual!

    Luf, Us

  7. We are sorry that more of our friends have gone to the Bridge.
    Have a restful weekend, and we hope you don't get any more snow for a while.

  8. We have given you an award. Come and collect it from our blog.

  9. We hope you enjoy your "me" time...stay warm under them covers!

  10. It sure has been a sad week. Under the covers is a good place to be. Stay warm Derby, the snow sounds horrible

    Whicky Wuudler

  11. It really has been a sad week, Derby. Under the covers is a great place to be. I hope your snow does melt down a bit. Your piles are too high.

  12. Hi Derby, we didn't know the catizens who went to the bridge, but we know their families and friends will miss them. We are sending you our special purrs and nuzzles.

  13. Thank you, Derby! We know that Skeeter went over the Bridge in good company.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.