
Monday, December 1, 2008

ManCat Monday

Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place. - Paul Gray
That is me snoopervising mum washing some dishes. Making sure she has everything all washed up and put away. Make things nice for me, clean my box, fill my food dish.

Hope all of my Mericky furiends had a good holiday weekend. Mum did not go out to shop but did get out the plastic money for a few things on line. Not much though, Max's new book and some DVD's from Amazon.

Please continue to purr for Misty of The Crew. She is recovering from emergency surgery.
She did work on her Christmas letter and Grampie's too. Better get at it mum, it is December now! Her's needs some serious editing, there is hardly any mention of me!

Part of what we did on Saturday was to watch the fevvers outside. All of a sudden they just scattered and Mr Hawk swooped through the yard. He took a rest in the tree and mum got a picture of him through the back door window.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - lost big time last Monday night, and today lost again. No Defense!

The Colts - They won!

Brett the Jet - He lost.

Our long weekend with our beans is over, mum says bummer that she has to go back to work today. Plus we are getting lots of snow, so the snow eating monster will be out getting some work. Hope everyone has a good week.


  1. It's a good thing you're there watching over the dishwashing.

    We're thinking of Misty too.

  2. Great snoopervising there Derby!!

    Misty is on our minds too!

    Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee

  3. We are purring for Misty. Looks like you are doing a good job snoopervising. ~S,S & C

  4. We visited Misty and sent her purrs and prayers.

    Good job of snoopervising Derby!

  5. Good work snoopervising humans must always be helped :)

  6. That hawk is a spoilsport!
    You sure have a busy time snoopervising your mum.

  7. We have some hawks that are good at scattering fev-vers, too! Don't they make the most awful noises?

  8. Look at how hard you work on making sure things are done right Derby. I am so impressed.

    We continue to purr for Misty.

  9. A lot of good Mancat snoopervision going on there. We have bad hawks that come into the tree outside our window too, and they take the little birds.
    We are purring for Misty.

  10. We have tagged you, see our Tuesday post for details.

  11. Praying hard that Misty recovers.
    You are a great snoopervisor.

  12. Wow! That's a big birdie in the tree!

    We are purring for Misty and all the other kitties that don't feel well...

  13. Yeah, we were sad to see our mom go off and hunt all day too. Great hawk shot!

  14. Our Mom wasn't happy about going back to work today either, but she said that she only has 3 weeks before her next break of 2 weeks.

    We hope you have a good week.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  15. we is purring for Misty too. we is glad she's home though. good job snoopervising

  16. Brr to the snow and Yikes to the hawk. Better stay inside where it is warm and safe ... maybe your Mom should stay home too.

  17. ah we loves to watch birdies too. Mother was so kind to put a bird feeder right outside too. I hide so that I can chase them, bhah hah hah


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.