
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blankie is Done

Mum finished this blankie for someone at work who will be having a baby. But she has already started another one for someone else at work who is having a baby near my Gotcha Day in May.

Mum is watching some of the stuff from earlier today watching Mr O get to really be President. Woohoo, yipee, way to go Mr O!


  1. Yes we did! And what an auspiscious day to finish that blanket.

  2. Oh Derby, that blankie looks softer than soft - really pretty!

  3. That's a great blankie, Derby. It's wonderful that you get to test it out. I loved watching the inauguration today.

  4. That is a lovely blankie Derby, it looks so soft. It is good of you to give it a quality inspection.

  5. Thats a nice blankie and you are a good QA tester!

  6. She is going to give that lovely blankie away? How horrible! ; )

  7. Looks very cozy! And wasn't that other stuff a treat?? I got to see some of the parade live when my mom was home for lunch. (Only I didn't wave at the tv and yell and stuff--moms!)

  8. Very nice blanket. You look good against that color. Perhaps you should keep it?

    Cliff & Olivia

  9. That's a lufferly blankie! Good thing you are QA'ing it!

    Good thing Mr. O. is now prezzie! Whoo hoo!

    Luf, Us


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