
Monday, January 12, 2009

ManCat Monday

Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later. - Mary BlyI sometimes come when I am called. First thing in the AM when mum wakes up she calls for me, I run into the sleeping room to get my waking up scritches. Mum was funny the other day, she wasn't really awake, she thought she was scritchen my nose, when in fact she was closer to spot #13. She knew she didn't have fur, so that was a good one on her.

I also come when called if the word 'treats' follows my name, as in "Derby, treats". I will then come over to get some goodies.

Mum was going through my pictures and found this one of me sitting in the window. This picture has me wearing my collar and tags and I haven't worn them for over a year. Mum makes sure I don't go outside so she lets me go naked inside the house.

I have been sitting on mum's lap more lately. I don't curl up in her lap, I am sitting on my haunches. At least I can site there as long as she doesn't have the puter in her lap or her crow-shay.

I am mainly looking for a few more scritches and treats.

Friday the biggest part of the snow storm missed us for a change. We did get a little bit of snow, mum says about 2 inches. Not much more than 50 miles south of us they got 12-14 inches. Mum was happy that the heavy snow missed us for a changed. But it still is supposed to get furry cold here this week. Mum says not to worry the heaty thing in the dungeon is working just fine and that will keep us warm. Plus we can snuggle and snuggle and snuggle to keep warm as well.

Feetball Report - Playoff Edition

Another good weekend for the Fevver teams. Ravens, Cardinals, Eagles, Steelers won. hmmm another good weekend for fevver teams.


  1. I think snuggling is the best way to keep warm!

  2. Going naked in the house sounds good. I think you are smart to always come when treats are mentioned and only come sometimes when they are not. It's funny about your Mom not knowing which end of you she was scritching. I am glad that the worst of the storm missed you.

  3. We think naked is really good!

    We don't come when called either, only when motivated.

    Abby & Stygia

  4. It is supposed to get very, very cold here too!
    I love your photo today Derby!

  5. We sometimes come when we are called and we all also go naked inside the house. Try to stay warm, Derby!!

  6. I always come when someone says my name. Or calls out Pooooo-sie (i'm furry 'barassed to admit that). Sammy NEFUR comes when his name is called. Billy, well, he's just learning that if he comes there might be food involved. - Miles

  7. That's a nice picture of you Derby. We've nekkid in the house too.

  8. I actually like to wear my collar..if it comes off for some reason, I bat it around to tell mom and then she picks it up to put it back on me..I stand quietly until she scritches 'round my neck underneath it. You guys stay warm, you hear?

  9. Sebastian comes when we call him only when we shake a bag of treats!!

  10. I'm glad the heavy snows missed you. You're right, though, the cold weather is a great excuse to snuggle.

  11. i only come for treats.Going naked sounds great yet mom always makes me wear my collar.

  12. We like to go naked too, it makes us feel more mancatly. We are glad the worst of the snow missed you this time, but it still looks like a lot outside your window.

  13. I hope you keep warm as that sounds very cold where you are. Here it is very hot. Snuggling isn't so good when it is very hot.

  14. Like you, I only come when I'm called for treats. It's the only thing worth getting up for.

  15. Snuggling is the best! I'm glad the big snow missed you Derby! Even though you stay inside, it's not good for your Mum when she has to go out. I had to laugh at her scritching your spot #13 thinking it was your nose! I hope you had used the TP the last time you used the litter box, hahaha! Oops, perhaps too graphic an image there, sorry!

    Thanks for your crossed paws for my tests! I survived! :) xxx

  16. We usually will respond to some treats and eat and bugs and outside (well, Wally likes that one even though he doesn't go out much...only on a leash)...if we don't hear something good...then we just don't bother...

  17. I like your collar and heart-shaped tag, its very nice!

  18. The only one of us Boyz that comes when called is Ty, then he gets picked up and cuddled...hmmmm, maybe more of us should do that thingy, ya think?=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

  19. I come when my name is followed by the word "treat." I do come running when daddy opens the door to the basement cause I know it means football and snuggling.

    I'm glad you didn't get lotsa bad snow. That is no fun for the beans and makes them cranky

  20. Hai, we gots our secret paw package today - it seems the beans in bloo shorts dont deliver if theres snow! *sigh* Yoo shud has heard the bad werds mom was sayin when we hasn't gotten mail in 4 days time. hehe

    FANK YOO! We lubs all our gifts and Jake loves his treats and toy. We will has the mom post pix soon acuz she doesnt feel well today (she wented to the bean teef puller and came back sleepy).

  21. I'm glad you don't have to wear your collar. I went mental when my mom tried to put one on me, and it was just to see if it fit! We all have one just in case but we don't wear them normally either.

    Stay warm with your mum!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.