
Monday, January 19, 2009

ManCat Monday

I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the ability to produce food which they take for granted--but his or her entertainment value. - Geoffrey Household
Yes I know the picture is upside down. But don't those things look like kittie faces?

Mum provided all sorts of entertainment last week when she got stuck out of the house. The new lock on the back door is such that to even open it, you have to unlock it. So that should prevent her from locking herself out again. I can only hope so. She did go out on Caturday to fill the feeders and didn't lock herself out, phew!

I didn't mention I even got outside for a really short time that night. The guy opened the door and then mum came in, and mum sort of moved me away from the door. Then the fix-it guy came in but left the door open. So I scooted around mum and went outside. Even the extra outside door was wide open. I didn't go far, I got to the end of the patio and when I got to the snow piles I stopped. Mum was right behind and grabbed me by the scruff and then picked me up and brought me back inside. I do have to say it was furry cold outside and I didn't even touch the snow!

Feetsball Report

The two remaining teams to play in the Stouper Bowl are one fevver team, the Cardinals who will represent the NFC to play the AFC team The Steelers!

Concatulations to them! Let the hype begin!


  1. Those controllers do look like kitty faces. I hope your Mom never locks herself outside again. You were very smart to stop when you got to the snow. Now you know that it's no place for kitties out there.

  2. Looking handsome Derby!!

    Hope your mom doesn't get locked out again!

  3. Woah, they do look just like cat faces!!

  4. I'd have stopped at the snow too.. sigh.

  5. Derby, that's not nice running out on your mom like that.

  6. Those ARE cat faces! Derby, you made a dash for the outside? Concats, but be careful, maybe your mom has good reasons not to let you out. Chilli is trying to sneak out all the time here, it get's on mom's nerves...
    Purrs, Siena

  7. Outside just isn't the same when it's cold out. It warmed up a little today and we had high hopes for outdoor time but then the wind started it's back inside for us. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

  8. Haha! You are right, that does look like kitty faces.
    Oh the indignity! Being grabbed by the scruff and hauled back in. We hope you let your mum know you weren't amused.

  9. Those sure do look like cat faces!!! We're glad you didn't go far when you got out. Your Mom would be very worried if you escaped!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  10. I'm glad you didn't end up a snow-cat when you got out. But, it must be nice to get out now and then.

  11. We hope your mom doesn't get locked out of the house again. That is no fun. We are glad that you didn't get into the snow. We don't think frozen feet are good.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  12. That was pretty smart not stepping in the snow. You might have froze your toes off. I think we'll be pulling for the Cardinals in the Super Bowl because we like Kurt Warner and they've never made it there before.

  13. Yup, little kitty heads. Hope yoor mom neffur gets locked out's still cold out der.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.