
Friday, January 23, 2009

Race Ya!

Me racing mum up the stairs from the dungeon. I win, again!

Happy weekend one and all. Mum and I will be snuggling as it will be cold again. Not as bad as last week but snuggling weather for sure. Cold enough to keep the falls frozen for a while.

Some of you asked how cold it has been here to to freeze the falls. We had -15F or -27C and one day it never got above 0F which is -17C, last week. Two really cold days and nights. It hasn't been above freezing in the past week either, but we have had some sunshine. Mum drives by this everyday to and from work. She says it looks about the same for now. She will try to watch to get pictures of when it breaks open again, whenever it warms up again. That won't be anytime soon.


  1. Wow! -15F!!! And we thought it was cold here! Stay warm! And have a great weekend!

    (pee ess. we always beat our mom up the stairs's are slow!)

    Wally & Ernie

  2. Oh man that's not cold. that's FRIGID! Like, ice will hang off your useless nipples kinda frigid. Mine are puckering just thinking about it.

  3. You are very fast. I always beat the Woman too!

    And by the way--WAY TO COLD.

  4. Great action shot of you Derby!!!!!

    It is very cold here too! I pretty much just hang out by the woodstove all day!

    Wishing Spring would get here soon!

    Purrs Goldie

  5. Oh, you got stairs. How come all cats got stairs and I got none? The older humans we used to visit (before the got the big stinking monster) had stairs, but here... flat as a pancake.


  6. Just don't trip your mom when you are racing her, ok? We always beat the humans too. Stay warm Derby!

  7. Hi Derby! Thanks sooooo much for all your purrs for our Mommy, she is now feeling better and stronger. We are glad you are an indoor kitty 'cause that is really C-O-L-D!!!!! Sending Huggs, the Cat Street Boyz & Mum

  8. I always win that race too!!! -Scout

  9. Good Heavens to Mergatroid, Derby. It's a wonder you're not a kittysicle! I'm not sure I'd peep my nose out from under the covers with temps like that. You stay real warm,buddy.

  10. We haven't got any stairs to race up, but I beat mum everywhere else.
    It is much too cold for us where you live. We had -12C one day which is unheard of for us. We didn't leave the woodburner all day.

  11. Snuggling sounds like a perfect way to spend a cold weekend.

  12. Kitties always win in that type of races. Love your falls - looks a little funny in winter when it's frozen over though. I have never seen anything like that. The only ice I have ever seen are those from the freezer. Sydney's winter hardly ever falls below 30F and it never snows.

    Stay warm and Happy Snuggling!

  13. We allus beat The Big Thing up the stairs. He is SO SLOW. But then, we have more feets than he does...

  14. I think cats always win the race up the stairs. Your weather is way too cold. We get down into the negative numbers sometimes, too, but I don't think I have ever seen the temperature that low. Keep warm.

  15. Brrrrrr! Definitely snuggling weather. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. My mom says the pictures of the waterfall are beautiful and amazing!

  16. Wowie kazowie, that's COLD! Do lots and lots of snugglin to stay warm! And conCATulashuns on winnin the race with yur Momma!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  17. We always win too, when we're going up or down the stairs with Mom. And she usually ends up tripping over one of us or nearly stepping on a tail!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.