
Monday, March 30, 2009

ManCat Monday

Most beds sleep up to six cats. Ten cats without the owner. -Stephen Baker

We gots more white stuff this weekend, mum had hoped we were done with it for the season. On Saturday she took the grass eating monster in to get ready for its upcoming work. We both want spring to be here and stay here!

Taken about 6 PM on Saturday, back and front, just as the white flakes were starting.
Taken around noon Sunday just as the snow was stopping. The weather guessers were saying we could get 4-8 inches. They guessed wrong, mum says we maybe got 2 inches.
But it got nice and sunny in the afternoon, so mum didn't even bother to clear off the snow, she let the sun do it! Last pictures taken around 7 PM on Sunday.
But mum spent the day on Sunday with me, I got my share of treats, scritches, playing and napping on the freshly cleaned bed.
Here I am guarding the bag that holds the crow-shay, mum did lots of that this weekend since they were doing the bracket ball games. That is her time to work on it when sports are on TV.

Plus she went and did something about booking her face or was it facing her book. Not sure quite what that means.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Local Cat Makes Good

A local kittie, Asia-Veau, is now the face on the can of senior Friskies! So I have a celebrecat nearby!

A little box showed up on the doorstep, mum brought it in but didn't open it for me right away. Said she need to go out and fluff up the grass outside before it got dark!
She finally came back in, it was from Fat Eric, our return treats for sending him Greenies. So we had some of these Waitrose cat treats. Waitrose is a store for those who don't know. Chocolates for mum and tea too. Fancy tea from the Duchy of Cornwall, from HRH The Prince of Wales. All organic and all and profits go to charity!
Oh cool, some of the cheese balls that I liked the last time, they are tasty and chewy.
Thanks so much Eric and your mum too. We will enjoy!

Well mum just has to get through today at hunting green papers, then we can snuggle for the weekend. They are talking rain/snow on the weekend, so that means mum will have to be inside.

Happy Weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Green Thumb, Brown Thumb

Last summer mum tried to grow a few things. You saw the pictures of the morning glories last year. But she also wanted to grow some bird nest gourds. Only one plant survived
And she finally got one gourd to harvest.
It has been drying in the metal monster room, mum took it out to take a picture of it this past week. It still has some more drying to do as the seeds don't rattlel inside just yet. If things work out she will cut a hole in the thing so the birdies can get inside to nest, then hang it from a tree.

Monday, March 23, 2009

ManCat Monday

You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners. - Sir Harry Swanson

Just a regular weekend here, the usual happened; mum did the laundry, cleaned, went out to eat twice with different furiends, but brought fish home to share!; shopped

On Saturday she was at the back door and was just about to go outside and I appeared wanting to go outside too. So mum scooped me up and out we went, mum would not let me walk around on my own, said it was too mushy in the grass. But as we enjoyed some of the afternoon sunshine and being just under the patio roof, the hawk swooped by! He landed on the back fence at most 30 feet from us! He didn't stay long and flew off where we could not see him.

But mum hugged me tight and said that is why I am not allowed to wander around by myself outside. Mr Hawk my think I am a good target to have for lunch! Mum left me sniff the dirt in the empty planters, soon we will have flowers again.
Mum moved my one bed to back by the big windows that go to the floor. In the late afternoon the sun comes in and gives me a nice spot to nap.
Plus mum read her book for a bit, I was trying to distract her so I could get some treats. I was successful, plus she finished reading this book too.

Sunday after she went shopping and was putting all of the stuffs away I was checking things out. Well I managed to get to get my head through the handles of the bag, mum realized this and reached out to get it off me, but I jumped down off the counter before she could reach me. What was in the bag was not heavy but it sort of scared me. I didn't realize that I had my head through the handle, and when I jumped I didn't expect the bag to come with me. But mum came right over and ripped the handle from around me and I took off. She managed to get to me before I really freaked out. Mum warns me when I get too close to the bags but I always gotta check them out. Guess I live dangerously.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Greenies and other Treats

A few cats commented when I sent care packages to Fat Eric and Eric and Flynn on all of the flavors that Greenies come in, they come in five flavors; Oven Roasted Chicken, Ocean Fish, Savory Salmon, Tempting Tuna, and Succulent Beef. Mum says some stores only have a few of the flavors, but the store she stocks up at keeps all five flavors around and also has the best sales, marking them off by 1/3 when they have them on special pricing.

When mum went to the store she bought a bunch of each so she could make sure she had want they wanted. Fat Eric is partial to tuna, but Eric & Flynn can't have the beef. Mum had 4-6 packages of each flavor and then stuffed as many packages as she could into the little boxes to send them. Here is a picture of Fat Eric with his stash, he got at least one bag of every flavor.
Right now I have three flavors waiting in my stash to be eaten,beef, which I haven't had before, the salmon and ocean fish.
Plus when mum went shopping this week, she had a furry good coupon for Pounce treats, money off if she bought two, then a coupon for one free if she bought two! Way to score mum!
So as you can see I have lots of treats at my disposal, just waiting for me to eat. Well, when mum gives me some to eat. I usually have some open of Greenies and Pounce open all the time and get some of both every day.
You guys are furry good at spotting the hummer and the butterfly in the picture on Tuesday. If you didn't find them, mum has marked the picture. Somecat said the butterfly was a zebra butterfly, they are found in the south of the United States, not way up north here. This is a swallowtail butterfly. Both are in the shadows so not the easiest to spot.
Our weather got colder on Thursday and we still have a little bit of now left! Mum was so disappointed that it didn't go away. It will be warmer the next few days, so it should go away now.

Mum went back to work yesterday. But she had a few good days off, she gots lots of cleaning done, her head furs curled, extra sleeps, went to see an exhibit on the Titanic and enjoyed the warm days we had.
Lots of purrs to Miss Ann over at Zoolatry, she will be having her eyeballs fixed over the next month, but it starts today on Friday. Get better soonest.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Going, Going...Almost Gone

Snow piles in the back yard on Monday afternoon. Plus you can see mum has her pretty bed blankie drying on the line. It smells so good from being outside!
Snow piles in the back yard on Tuesday afternoon. It was 74F that day, record high.
This is tonight, Wednesday, this is all that is left. Mum says it will probably be gone by the morning.
Mum finished another crow-shay blankie this week and started another. Seems they are having lots of babies where she works. Me inspecting the latest finished product.

Plus my sweet Princess Mia Bella now as a little bean sisfur. Born March 11, Kiran Eliza.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Spy A...?

Another summer picture. Do you see what I see? Biggify if you need to. BTW mum is now posting small pictures but you can always biggify. I like to post pictures and I have used over 40% of my allotment of pictures, but that has taken me over 3 years to get here! But this way we can keep posting lots of pictures.

Happy St Pat's Day. I'm not Irish but I did post a picture with lots of green in it!

Plus mum has taken a couple of days off from hunting green papers, so tons of extra play time! Open windows as the air is nice and warm outside too. Ahhh. Mum was happy this morning, her wake up call was a cardinal singing outside in the tree.

Monday, March 16, 2009

ManCat Monday

Who hath a better friend than a cat? - William Hardwin

Hope every one had a great weekend! It was nice here, nice enough to have the windows open a bit. Plus sunny days to work on fur tans and napping in the sun.

Some cats got confused with the butterfly pictures from last week. They were taken last summer and not recently! I wish it looked that lush and green outside, but this is how it looks in front my house here in mid-March. But if you in real close you can see the tulips and daffs starting to peak out from the ground.
Plus mum went out by the back fence and found a few clumps of daff pushing up as well.
Plus she spied a lump that was laying just off the walking path and went to investigate. It was a dead raccoon! She saw this on Saturday AM and since the path is a county park maintained area there was no one to call on Saturday.
But mum noticed by late Saturday afternnon it was gone, probably taken away by the guy who lives behind us, so his two little sticky things wouldn't play with it. It was by his property anyway!

Mum went out to uncover the ah-zale-eya over the weekend and found that some critter had eaten one of the plants off at the base of the plant. You can see all of the chew marks on the wood! Mum is not happy!
My Tilt-O-Whirl pictures happen when mum tries to take pictures at the same time she is moving the sparkly toy around. Everything gets a little off to the side. But even if I rotated the picture, I would still be a little off kilter, but maybe not as much. So here are some tilted and un-tilted pictures of me and the sparkly toy!
Well here is one that actually wasn't tilted too bad to begin with! So you can see my technique on playing with my toy.
Thanks for the play time mum!

Friday, March 13, 2009

How Many?

Mum biggified this and went over it as carefully as possible. She says three. Biggify to read where mum says "here". Mum is looking for some other pictures that she might do something similar soon. Nice to see green plants, flowers, butterflies etc.

A big shout out to Uncle Stormy, happy purrthday to him. This is his last purrthday in this decade of numbers, next year is a zero purrthday for him.

Plus spring must be coming. Wednesday before mum left for work she came to say good bye to me and we saw all of these fevvers outside. This was only what you can see on the ground, lots more were up in the trees. Mum counted over 30 of these big black birds. Mum says they are summer birds, birdies that come up to live here in the summer. Most of these are grackels but a few red wing black birds too (both male and female). If the birdies know it is OK to come north, that is a good sign.
Mum says she will be sort of busy this weekend. Grampie will be here for lunch tomorrow after he gets taxed to death.
Plus play time!!! Oh good the sparkly toy will come out. Happy weekend one and all!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Find the Butterflies

OK, mum was looking for a picture to send to work to show some birdie and butterfly pictures. She saw this one and remember she took it for a quiz. How many butterflies can you find?

No prizes, just have fun. Mum says the answer is at least 1but less than 7. You can biggify the picture if you wants. I will post the "answer" in a few days.
We have been having rain not snow now. Mum says that is good or we would be buried with snow. But there are not so small puddles behind the house, well way behind the house by about 40 feets. It is going to get cold again with lots of wind.
But with sunny days, guess I will be napping in the sun.

Monday, March 9, 2009

ManCat Monday

God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things. - Pablo Picasso

It was a yucky weekend. First the time change, mum was walking around Sunday like she was brain dead and very tired. She had enough sleeps, so that can't be the problem. She said it was probably the yucky weather making her head hurt. So she took some pills and had a nap with me as well. Then her head felt better.

We got lots and lots of rain this weekend. At times there was so much rain it was starting to pond in low spots, but not close to the house. The snow piles are getting smaller but not totally gone.
The one bright spot over the weekend was getting a box of goodies from Eric and Flynn. I send them Greenies, which they can't buy in the UK. They sent back some treats for me and mum! Mum tried the tea and chocoloates, says both of them are good.
I like the treats, here is mum giving me one, it is a long stick of chewy chickhen and liver.
Oh yeah, at the end of Sunday, before it got dark, it even started to snow a bit again. What little we got, it barely covered the grass, should melt today.